


Codacy Badge

Mixins.Helper is a basic and useful collection of Less Mixins Functions that are used to redeuce the work needed to apply styling to elements and cross-browser CSS compatibility. Mixins.Helper comes with a visual studio and microsoft friendly NuGet package.

<a name="get-started"></a> Get Started (with Visual Studio)

####Step 1 Add Mixins.Helper NuGet to your project

PM> Install-Package Mixins.Helper

####Step 2 Import Mixins.Helper with this line in top of your less

@import "mixins.helper.less";

####Step 3 After press . you can find out your Mixins from Visual Studio intelliSense box.

<a name="documentation"></a> Documentation

Sample of Mixins Helper

  1. .left
  2. .right
  3. .center
  4. .fullscreen
  5. .hide()
  6. .edge-less
  7. .no-select
  8. .border-radius(radius)
  9. .border-radiuses (topright, bottomright, bottomleft, topleft)
  10. .text-overflow(type)
  11. .truncate
  12. .text-shadow (shadow)
  13. .box-shadow(shadow)
  14. .drop-shadow (x, y, blur, spread, alpha)
  15. .inner-shadow (x, y, blur, spread, alpha)
  16. .box-sizing (type)
  17. .opacity (opacity)
  18. .gradient (startColor, endColor)
  19. .horizontal-gradient (startColor, endColor)
  20. .animation (name, duration, delay, ease)
  21. .transition (prop, time, ease)
  22. .rotate (deg)
  23. .scale (factor)
  24. .skew (deg1, deg2)
  25. .translate (x, y)
  26. .translate3d (x, y, z)
  27. .perspective (value)
  28. .transform-origin (x, y) and more...

<a name="license"></a> License

This project is dedicated to public and is free for all uses, commercial or otherwise. Supported by Web Design Iran