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Created by Amar Panjwani


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Portfolio Badge <br> LinkedIn Badge <br> Stars Forks <br> Version


📝 Description

A short-term memory game where the player must press the colors in the exact same pattern and order as the computer, with the pattern getting longer and more confusing at each subsequent level.

:dart: How to Win

A player wins by completing Level 7 and successfully matching a computer-generated combination of 7 colors. However, the player may choose to play on indefinitely well beyond this level (Current High Score = Lvl 22).

:camera_flash: Screenshots

Computer's Turn<img src="/images/screenshotComputersTurn.jpg" width="600">
Player's Turn<img src="/images/screenshotPlayersTurn.jpg" width="600">

💻 Technologies Used

JavaScript CSS3 HTML5
Git Github VSCode

:fire: Getting Started

<details open> <summary> Instructions </summary>
  1. Press the START button.
  2. The computer will choose its first color. Pay attention or you might miss it!
  3. Choose the same pattern as the computer by clicking directly on the appropriate circles. Your selection will appear as steps in the right corner for your reference.
  4. When finished, press CHECK ANSWER to see if your selection was correct or not. A corresponding status message will appear.
  5. If correct, press NEXT LEVEL, and the process will repeat, but with another added color this time.
  6. If incorrect, press TRY AGAIN to use a life, reinput your selection, and press CHECK ANSWER again.
  7. When a player has 0 lives left and chooses incorrectly, a GAME OVER message is shown.
  8. To start over with one color choice and 3 lives, press the START button again.

:satellite: Upcoming Features
