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A CubeWorld Server. Standalone server written in C# with JavaScript scripting support.

Website: None yet, <a href="http://cubeworldforum.org/topic/10274-coob-a-net-cubeworld-server-with-javascript-scripting/">there's only a forum thread.</a>



<b>Q: What works?</b><br> <b>A:</b> You can move around and fight other players if you want to, but it's still buggy and prone to crashes. <i>The server is still in early development so things will change.</i>

<b>Q: Can I play yet?</b><br> <b>A:</b> You can download the latest version and compile it for testing but no guarantee on stability. You can log in and move around with other players as of writing this.


<b>Author:</b> Perl

<b>Contributors:</b> (incomplete)<br> <a href="https://github.com/Skippeh">Skippy</a><br> <a href="https://github.com/PhonicUK">PhonicUK</a><br> <a href="https://github.com/xEnt22">xEnt22</a><br> <a href="https://github.com/matpow2/cuwo/#special-thanks">Everyone who contributed to cuwo</a><br>