


Integrates with stylish-haskell so every time you save a Haskell source file it gets automatically prettified.

Simply using :%!stylish-haskell replaces your whole source file with an error message from stylish-haskell when you happen to have a syntax error in your code, this plugin manages that annoyance.

Note: If you prefer hindent use vim-hindent instead.


Compatible with Vundle, Pathogen, Vim-plug.


By default, vim-stylishask will format your code automatically when saving a Haskell source file, but you can use the :Stylishask command at any time to format the current file.

To apply stylish-haskell on a range, either write the range manually or visually select the desired code and then invoke :Stylishask.

Use :StylishaskEnable, :StylishaskDisable, :StylishaskToggle to enable, disable, or toggle running stylish-haskell on save.


Trigger stylish-haskell when saving (default = 1):

g:stylishask_on_save = 1

stylish-haskell configuration file to use (default = "" == Use default .stylish-haskell.yaml):

g:stylishask_config_file = "/path/to/.stylish-haskell.yaml"

Specify the path to the stylish-haskell executable (for example if you installed stylish-haskell with stack build --copy-compiler-tool stylish-haskell)

g:stylishask_config_file = "~/.stylish-haskell.yaml"