<img src="doge-dson-parsec.png" />How much?
DSON is a data-interchange format, that is easy to read and write for Shiba Inu dogs. It is easy for machines to parse and generate.
It's extremely fast (faster than C) and very nice.
Many wow
dson-parsec is the Haskell parser of choice. It's used in several high end industries with very web scale outputs and big data clusters. Many terabytes take a second to Haskellize. Curry would be proud.
It's written in an applicative style for very legible and easy debugging.
So install
You can install very ready with:
cabal install dson-parsec
To get started, Dson implements a test that transforms very sexy DSON string into Brendan Eich's awful JSON format.
Prelude> import Data.Dson
Prelude> main
such "foo" is so "bar" also "baz" and 4.5 many wow
"{ foo: [\"bar\", \"baz\", 4.625] }"
The actual parser is parseTop in Parsec. For example:
import Data.Dson.Parsec
parseTest dsonTop "such \"foo\" is such \"shiba\" is \"inu\", \"doge\" is yes wow wow"
DSDict [("foo",DSDict [("shiba",DSString "inu"),("doge",Yes)])]