

It's Gitu! - A Git porcelain outside of Emacs

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A terminal user interface for Git. Inspired by Magit.

<img style="width: 720px" src="vhs/rec.gif"/>


Gitu aims to implement many of the core features of Magit over time. It should be familiar to any previous Magit users.
Here's a list of so-far supported features:


Keybinds try mimic Magit, while staying Vim-like. A help-menu can be shown by pressing the h key, or by configuring general.always_show_help.enabled = true

<img style="width: 720px" src="vhs/help.png"/>


The environment variables VISUAL, EDITOR or GIT_EDITOR (checked in this order) dictate which editor Gitu will open. This means that e. g. commit messages will be opened in the GIT_EDITOR by Git, but if the user wishes to do edits to the actual files in a different editor, VISUAL or EDITOR can be set accordingly.

Configuration is also loaded from:

, refer to the default configuration.

Installing Gitu

Follow the install instructions: Installing Gitu
Or install from your package manager:

Packaging status


PRs are welcome! This may help to get you started: Development & Tooling