

connectToStores (for alt)

'Higher Order Component' for alt flux that controls the props of a wrapped component via stores.

Alt is an Isomorphic flux implementation.

Check out the API Reference for full in-depth alt docs. For a high-level walk-through on flux, take a look at the Getting Started guide.


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How to use

Expects the Component to have two static methods:

Using old React.createClass() style:

const MyComponent = React.createClass({
  statics: {
    getStores(props) {
      return [myStore]
    getPropsFromStores(props) {
      return myStore.getState()
  render() {
    // Use this.props like normal ...
MyComponent = connectToStores(MyComponent)

Using ES6 Class:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  static getStores(props) {
    return [myStore]
  static getPropsFromStores(props) {
    return myStore.getState()
  render() {
    // Use this.props like normal ...
MyComponent = connectToStores(MyComponent)

Using ES7 Decorators (proposal, stage 0):

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  static getStores(props) {
    return [myStore]
  static getPropsFromStores(props) {
    return myStore.getState()
  render() {
    // Use this.props like normal ...

A great explanation of the merits of higher order components can be found at http://bit.ly/1abPkrP
