


Neovim X11 Window Manager allows you to use x11 windows as if they were buffers. When entering a x-window-buffer, you'll need to start insert-mode to focus the x-window (unless some configurations are set to do this automatically).



Use whichever package manager you like.
It is recommended to lock/pin the plugin to one version/branch because of changes.

use {'altermo/nwm',branch='x11'},


Using require("nxwm").setup({}) is not required, it is only there if you want to change the default config.

    --What happens when a new x-window is created
    on_win_open=function (buf,xwin)
    --Configuration to pass to window
    --`conf` is global config
    on_win_get_conf=function (conf,xwin) return conf end,
    --How to handle when multiple windows in the same tabpage has the x-window-buffer open
    on_multiple_win_open=function (vwins,buf,xwin)
        for k,vwin in ipairs(vwins) do
            if k~=1 then
                local scratchbuf=vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false,true)
    --Whether to be more verbose
    --Whether to show float windows above x-windows (depending on z-index)
    --Map to unfocus a window (multiple key mappings is not (yet) supported)
    --Create your own mappings
    --IMPORTANT: the x-window needs to be focused for such mappings to work
        --{'<C-A-del>',function () vim.cmd'quitall!' end},
        --Or you could also have lhs as a table
        --{{mods={'control','mod1'},key='Delete'},function () vim.cmd'quitall!' end},
    --Window-opt: auto focus x-window when entering x-window-buffer
    --Window-opt: try-delete x-window if no vim-window shows buffer (similar to `bufhidden=wipe`)
    --Window-opt: when click on x-window, goto that buffer (may not focus x-window)
    --Window-opt: offset the window this many x pixels (useful if terminal has padding)
    --Window-opt: offset the window this many y pixels (useful if terminal has padding)


<!-- local terminals={ kitty=[[kitty -c NONE -o placement_strategy=top-left -e nvim -c 'lua require("nxwm").start()']], alacritty=[[alacritty --config-file /dev/null -e nvim -c 'lua require("nxwm").start()']], wezterm=[[wezterm -n --config enable_tab_bar=false --config window_padding='{left=0,right=0,top=0,bottom=0}' start nvim -c 'lua require"nxwm".start()']] } local clients={ wayland={ 'From <b>wayland</b> window manager using Xwayland', 'Install Xwayland (may have the package name `xwayland`, `xorg-xwayland` or `xorg-x11-server-Xwayland`)', 'Xwayland :99 -noreset&\nenv -u WAYLAND_DISPLAY DISPLAY=:99 %s\njobs -p | xargs kill', }, x11={ 'From <b>X11</b> window manager using Xephyr', 'Install Xephyr (may be installed together with `xorg-sever` or have the package name `xorg-server-xephyr`)', 'Xephyr -ac -br -noreset :99&\nenv DISPLAY=:99 %s\njobs -p | xargs kill', }, tty={ 'From <b>tty</b> using sx', 'Install sx (most distros don\'t have it as a package so you may need to install from [source](https://github.com/Earnestly/sx))', 'sx %s', } } local out={} for c,i in vim.spairs(clients) do table.insert(out,('<details><summary>%s</summary>'):format(i[1])) table.insert(out,'') table.insert(out,i[2]) for k,v in vim.spairs(terminals) do table.insert(out,('<details><summary>Using <i>%s</i></summary>'):format(k)) table.insert(out,'') if c=='tty' and k=='wezterm' then --HACK table.insert(out,"**IMPORTANT:** Running NXWM in Wezterm started with sx sometimes doesn't work") end table.insert(out,'```bash') table.insert(out,'#!/bin/bash') vim.list_extend(out,vim.split(i[3]:format(v),'\n')) table.insert(out,'```') table.insert(out,'</details>') end table.insert(out,'') table.insert(out,'---') table.insert(out,'') table.insert(out,'</details>') end table.insert(out,38,'sleep 0.05 # HACK to make alacritty work with Xwayland') --HACK table.insert(out,73,'sleep 0.05 # HACK to make alacritty work with Xephyr') --HACK vim.fn.writefile(out,'/tmp/out.md') -->


Create an executable file with the following contents (or run directly in bash):
(click triangle to expand)

<!--tag:auto-generated--> <details><summary>From <b>tty</b> using sx</summary>

Install sx (most distros don't have it as a package so you may need to install from source)

<details><summary>Using <i>alacritty</i></summary>
sx alacritty --config-file /dev/null -e nvim -c 'lua require("nxwm").start()'
</details> <details><summary>Using <i>kitty</i></summary>
sx kitty -c NONE -o placement_strategy=top-left -e nvim -c 'lua require("nxwm").start()'
</details> <details><summary>Using <i>wezterm</i></summary>

IMPORTANT: Running NXWM in Wezterm started with sx sometimes doesn't work

sx wezterm -n --config enable_tab_bar=false --config window_padding='{left=0,right=0,top=0,bottom=0}' start nvim -c 'lua require"nxwm".start()'
</details> <details><summary>From <b>wayland</b> window manager using Xwayland</summary>

Install Xwayland (may have the package name xwayland, xorg-xwayland or xorg-x11-server-Xwayland)

<details><summary>Using <i>alacritty</i></summary>
Xwayland :99 -noreset&
sleep 0.05 # HACK to make alacritty work with Xwayland
env -u WAYLAND_DISPLAY DISPLAY=:99 alacritty --config-file /dev/null -e nvim -c 'lua require("nxwm").start()'
jobs -p | xargs kill
</details> <details><summary>Using <i>kitty</i></summary>
Xwayland :99 -noreset&
env -u WAYLAND_DISPLAY DISPLAY=:99 kitty -c NONE -o placement_strategy=top-left -e nvim -c 'lua require("nxwm").start()'
jobs -p | xargs kill
</details> <details><summary>Using <i>wezterm</i></summary>
Xwayland :99 -noreset&
env -u WAYLAND_DISPLAY DISPLAY=:99 wezterm -n --config enable_tab_bar=false --config window_padding='{left=0,right=0,top=0,bottom=0}' start nvim -c 'lua require"nxwm".start()'
jobs -p | xargs kill
</details> <details><summary>From <b>X11</b> window manager using Xephyr</summary>

Install Xephyr (may be installed together with xorg-sever or have the package name xorg-server-xephyr)

<details><summary>Using <i>alacritty</i></summary>
Xephyr -ac -br -noreset :99&
sleep 0.05 # HACK to make alacritty work with Xephyr
env DISPLAY=:99 alacritty --config-file /dev/null -e nvim -c 'lua require("nxwm").start()'
jobs -p | xargs kill
</details> <details><summary>Using <i>kitty</i></summary>
Xephyr -ac -br -noreset :99&
env DISPLAY=:99 kitty -c NONE -o placement_strategy=top-left -e nvim -c 'lua require("nxwm").start()'
jobs -p | xargs kill
</details> <details><summary>Using <i>wezterm</i></summary>
Xephyr -ac -br -noreset :99&
env DISPLAY=:99 wezterm -n --config enable_tab_bar=false --config window_padding='{left=0,right=0,top=0,bottom=0}' start nvim -c 'lua require"nxwm".start()'
jobs -p | xargs kill
</details> <!--tag_end:auto-generated-->


Open up a terminal (with :term) and run your wanted GUI. NOTE: x-windows aren't auto focused by default, so start insert (by pressing i or similar) and then you'll focus the window. To unfocus an x-window, either click into another buffer, or press alt-F4(unless the default config has been changed).


Is multiple displays supported?

No, and not likely until something like neovim#2161 is implemented.

Will there be a wayland version?

Maybe, though wlroots is 10 times more complicated than X11 and much more unstable (e.g. most fails results in crash).

How do I exit a focused x-window?

Press alt-F4 (I know this is an unusual keymap, if someone has a better idea, please let me know).

What are some future plans?

See TODO.md (it may be outdated).


If you want to donate then you need to find the correct link (hint: No Break Here):