


Preprocess the prosodically annotated TED corpus. Annotations of talks are prepared using: https://github.com/laic/prosody

Processing a single talk with tedDataToPickle.py:

###Input files:

  1. .word.txt (cmd input as -w)

  2. .word.txt.norm.align (cmd input as -l)

  3. .aggs.alignword.txt for fundemental frequency and intensity (cmd input as -f and -i)

###Output file:

  1. CSV file with word aligned features (cmd input as -o)

Sample run:

python tedDataToPickle.py -w data/raw/txt-sent/0001.word.txt -l data/raw/txt-sent/0001.word.txt.norm.align -f data/raw/derived/segs/f0/0001.aggs.alignword.txt -i data/raw/derived/segs/i0/0001.aggs.alignword.txt -o 0001.csv s

Batch process talks:

./processAllTedData.sh data/raw data/compiled

Obtaining punkProse processable corpus

To collect samples from talks into one corpus partitioned into training/development/testing sets:

python corpusMaker.py -i data/compiled/ -o data/corpus -r 0.7 -v 2 -l 50

(Training and development set are sampled into sequences of size 50 (-l). Training set constitutes 0.7 (-r) of all data. Word vocabulary is created with minimum word occurence 2 (-v).)