


Bind is an open source, experimental tool for designing interfaces. It's a native OSX app that allows you to design using <a href="http://gridstylesheets.org">GSS</a>, an auto-layout like language for describing an interface via constraints. Bind is not meant to replace tools like <a href="http://bohemiancoding.com/sketch/">Sketch</a>, Photoshop or <a href="http://framerjs.com">Framer</a>, but is instead suited for the niche task of laying out user interfaces. For more background info, see the <a href="https://medium.com/@almonk/design-like-it-s-1999-48ce5f5be14">blog post</a> I wrote about it.

<img src="http://f.cl.ly/items/0X1o0y1F1r0h1U3e2n16/bind-screenshot.png"/>

<a href="https://github.com/almonk/Bind/releases">Download for OSX from the Releases page</a>


Planned features

Getting started

<a href="http://cloud.alasdairmonk.com/1i0s0u032N2y">Check out the example login.bind</a> for an overview of the basics. Important to note: for an element to be accessible via the UI it must have an id= attribute.

Building from source

Bind is a hybrid web & native application. Dependencies:

cd ~/bind/public

jsx --watch views/ dist/

cd ../; open Bind.xcodeproj