<div align="center"> <br> <a href=""> <img src="site\static-hands-docs\static\img\icons\icon.png" width="350" height="250" alt="Click to see the source"> </a> <br> </div>Static Hands - Turn your Unused CapsLock Key a Superhero 🦸♂️🚀
⌨️ Super useful shortcuts with the CapsLock key that spare the need to move hands while typing. Super simple. No learning curve.
All of the shortcuts use the CapsLock key, which 99% of programmers don't use 99% of their time. With static hands, you can let CapsLock turn your keyboard into a magical hands position fixed keyboard.
*Irrelevant for Vim users.
Click here for the documentation.
10 Seconds Tutorial
The goal of static-hands
is to enable the following features:
Where "Super" means that each press is translated to 5/6 actual presses.
In a more detailed manner, the main key-bindings of static-hands
First of all, install AutoHotKey. Then:
Option one: Simply install the file by running the install.bat as an administrator (makes Static Hands load on the computer's startup).
Option two: Install the file by clicking the install.exe (won't move Static Hands to startup folder).
Option three: Clone project, run static-hands --> Windows --> run.ahk with AutoHotkey. To put ahk into effect automatically every time PC start
- Select
, and press Ctrl+C. - Press Win+R to open the Run dialog, then enter
and click OK or Enter. This will open the Startup folder for the current user. To instead open the folder for all users, enter shell: common startup (however, in that case, you must be an administrator to proceed). - Right-click inside the window, and click "Paste Shortcut". The shortcut to the script should now be in the Startup folder.
- Select
Static Hands vs Vim
Vim shortcuts are great, but they have a learning curve. And not a short one. Static Hands' shortcuts are super simple and quick. If you are already a vim user, you do not need this repo. And for us non-Vim users. The feature Vim users praise the most is the ability to move the cursor without changing hand position (HJKL keys). They actually like it so much they write plugins for every other program in the world to support the same shortcuts via “Vim modes”. The thing is that Vim mode is less intuitive (HJKL for arrows is much inconvenient than IJKL), and it forces more adaptation time.
Basic Features
The Strength of these key bindings is in the shortcuts. For example, the shortcut Ctrl+Left Arrow is a great shortcut, but in reality that forces us, developers, to move our hands to the sides. We can now use CapsLock+f+j and get the same results without any effort. It'll take some time to fully get used to it, but it will pay off.
Available commands ⏱️
Left and Right Hand Key Bindings
Key/Commands | Function 💥 |
CapsLock+j | Left |
CapsLock+k | Down |
CapsLock+i | Up |
CapsLock+l | Right |
CapsLock+u | To the start of the line (Home) |
CapsLock+o | To the end of the line (End) |
CapsLock+h | Delete |
CapsLock+; | Backspace |
CapsLock+' | Enter |
CapsLock+p | Insert |
CapsLock+y | PageUp |
CapsLock+n | PageDown |
CapsLock++ | Window always on top (toggle to turn off) |
Left Hand Key Bindings
Key/Commands | Function |
CapsLock+f | Ctrl |
CapsLock+d | Shift |
CapsLock+s | Alt |
CapsLock+w | Win Key |
- Notice one-click CapsLock still functions the same
Speed ⚡️
Key/Commands | Function |
CapsLock+m | Left X 6 |
CapsLock+, | Down X 5 |
CapsLock+8 | Up X 5 |
CapsLock+. | Right X 6 |
Case Changing
Key/Commands | Function |
CapsLock+9 | Upper Case |
CapsLock+0 | Lower Case |
CapsLock+- | Title Case |