

Natural Instructions

Natural-Instructions is a dataset of various NLP tasks and their language instructions. We have built this data using existing NLP datasets and the instructions that were used to crowdsource them.


You can download the data on this website: https://instructions.apps.allenai.org/

Model predictions

We have the model predictions for the following models:


We will add the BART predictions at a later time. The BART predictions, in particular, correspond to a model that was trained on a random subset of tasks and evaluated on the remaining ones.

Evaluation script

The script that we used in our evaluation is included in src/evaluation.py.

How to Evaluate

It requires dataset file path and the prediction file path E.g.

python3 evaluation.py --predictions ../predictions/gpt3_outputs/subtask002_quoref_answer_generation@_Definition_Prompt@0_100.json --dataset ../Dataset_Jsons/subtask002_quoref_answer_generation.json

Filenames in predictions/gpt3_outputs are of the format [taskname]'@'[instruction encoding]'@'[number of examples]'_'[number of instances].json

Encoding the instructions

The encoding function is provided to generate encoded instruction inputs. E.g.

encodeinstruction('subtask003_mctaco_question_generation_event_duration', instruction_structure =['Definition','Prompt'])


We have two baselines used in this work:

Expanding the data

We're expanding this dataset. Help us with the expansion! See the details here.

How to cite

Feel free to cite us:

  title={Natural Instructions: Benchmarking Generalization to New Tasks from Natural Language Instructions},
  author={Mishra, Swaroop and Khashabi, Daniel and Baral, Chitta and Hajishirzi, Hannaneh},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08773},