On-the-fly Definition Augmentation of LLMs for Biomedical NER
This repository contains code to run the inference and evaluation of NER as described in our NAACL 2024 paper: On-the-fly Definition Augmentation of LLMs for Biomedical NER
Code Setup
This code was developed in python 3.9 using the libraries listed in environment.yml. The easiest way to run this code is to set up a conda environment using the .yml file via the following command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate the conda environment using the command: conda activate fsdar
In addition to environment setup, you will need to dowbnload datasets from huggingface (open source) download here.
Datasets and Splits
Our paper evaluates the performance of these models on NER inference on the following datasets:
These datasets are curated by Fries et al.. Note that data
directory contains the document id
for the subsampled test split for each dataset. Please run the script to save the subsampled datasets before running retrieval
and fewshot_retrieval
Additionally for CHIA
dataset, we create train, validation and test splits with the most recent ones in the test set. We also release the document ids
for each of these splits in data/chia
To run Definition Augmentation, please make sure you generte subsampled data using the Article IDs from data
and then change the paths.
Inference with open-sourced and closed-sourced models
To run inference:
The following are different inference settings:
TYPE: zeroshot, fewshot, zeroshot_def_aug, fewshot_def_aug <br> MODEL: openai, llama, claude <br> DATATSET: cdr, chemprot, ncbi, medm, pico, chia
To create the shots run
for each dataset and save these samples in DATA_DIR. Use this to run the fewshot_def_aug
To process the evaluation scrips, there are two different formats (JSON/CODE) which can be done using the following command:
The following are different evaluation settings:
OUTPUT_TYPE: eval_code, eval_json <br> DATATSET: cdr, chemprot, ncbi, medm, pico, chia
Finetuned Model
Data Formatting
To create the data with he 5 shots we have used to fo few-shot run finetuing_data/
. These files follow the CoNLL 2003 format and consist of four space-separate columns. Each word must be placed in a separate line, with the four columns containing the word itself, its POS tag, its syntactic chunk tag, and its named entity tag. After each sentence, there must be an empty line. An example sentence would look as follows:
Acute NN O O
low NN O B-DIS
back NN O I-DIS
pain NN O I-DIS
during NN O O
intravenous NN O O
administration NN O O
of NN O O
amiodarone NN O B-CHE
. NN O O
Running the model
To finetune a Flan-XL model, run the following command
python --model_name_or_path google/flan-t5-xl --output_dir <OUTDIR/> --train_file <TRAIN_PATH/> --validation_file <VAL_PATH> --test_file <TEST_PATH/> --do_train --do_eval --do_predict --per_device_train_batch_size 1 --per_device_eval_batch_size 1 --learning_rate 3e-5 --num_train_epoch 5 --save_steps 10 --logging_steps 10 --load_best_model_at_end --predict_with_generate --eval_steps 10 --evaluation_strategy steps
where TRAIN_PATH, VAL_PATH and TEST_PATH are where the CONLL format files are saved.
Run the following command with the updated path to the output.
python finetuning/
with the correct output paths.
If you face any issues with the code, models, or with reproducing our results, please contact or raise an issue here.
If you find our code useful, please cite the following paper:
title={On-the-fly Definition Augmentation of LLMs for Biomedical NER},
author={Monica Munnangi and Sergey Feldman and Byron C Wallace and Silvio Amir and Tom Hope and Aakanksha Naik},