

<div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-agent/blob/master/docs/clearml_agent_logo.png?raw=true" width="250px">

ClearML Agent - MLOps/LLMOps made easy
MLOps/LLMOps scheduler & orchestration solution supporting Linux, macOS and Windows

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Formerly known as Trains Agent

It is a zero configuration fire-and-forget execution agent, providing a full ML/DL cluster solution.

Full Automation in 5 steps

  1. ClearML Server self-hosted or free tier hosting
  2. pip install clearml-agent (install the ClearML Agent on any GPU machine: on-premises / cloud / ...)
  3. Create a job or add ClearML to your code with just 2 lines of code
  4. Change the parameters in the UI & schedule for execution (or automate with an AutoML pipeline)
  5. :chart_with_downwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :eyes: :beer:

"All the Deep/Machine-Learning DevOps your research needs, and then some... Because ain't nobody got time for that"

Try ClearML now Self Hosted or Free tier Hosting <a href="https://app.clear.ml"><img src="https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-agent/blob/master/docs/screenshots.gif?raw=true" width="100%"></a>

Simple, Flexible Experiment Orchestration

The ClearML Agent was built to address the DL/ML R&D DevOps needs:

Using the ClearML Agent, you can now set up a dynamic cluster with *epsilon DevOps

*epsilon - Because we are :triangular_ruler: and nothing is really zero work

Kubernetes Integration (Optional)

We think Kubernetes is awesome, but it is not a must to get started with remote execution agents and cluster management. We designed clearml-agent so you can run both bare-metal and on top of Kubernetes, in any combination that fits your environment.

You can find the Dockerfiles in the docker folder and the helm Chart in https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts

Benefits of integrating existing Kubernetes cluster with ClearML

Run the agent in Kubernetes Glue mode an map ClearML jobs directly to K8s jobs:

SLURM (Optional)

Yes! Slurm integration is available, check the documentation for further details

Using the ClearML Agent

Full scale HPC with a click of a button

The ClearML Agent is a job scheduler that listens on job queue(s), pulls jobs, sets the job environments, executes the job and monitors its progress.

Any 'Draft' experiment can be scheduled for execution by a ClearML agent.

A previously run experiment can be put into 'Draft' state by either of two methods:

An experiment is scheduled for execution using the 'Enqueue' action from the experiment right-click context menu in the ClearML UI and selecting the execution queue.

See creating an experiment and enqueuing it for execution.

Once an experiment is enqueued, it will be picked up and executed by a ClearML Agent monitoring this queue.

The ClearML UI Workers & Queues page provides ongoing execution information:

What The ClearML Agent Actually Does

The ClearML Agent executes experiments using the following process:

System Design & Flow

<img src="https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-agent/blob/master/docs/clearml_architecture.png" width="100%" alt="clearml-architecture">

Installing the ClearML Agent

pip install clearml-agent

ClearML Agent Usage Examples

Full Interface and capabilities are available with

clearml-agent --help
clearml-agent daemon --help

Configuring the ClearML Agent

clearml-agent init

Note: The ClearML Agent uses a cache folder to cache pip packages, apt packages and cloned repositories. The default ClearML Agent cache folder is ~/.clearml.

See full details in your configuration file at ~/clearml.conf.

Note: The ClearML Agent extends the ClearML configuration file ~/clearml.conf. They are designed to share the same configuration file, see example here

Running the ClearML Agent

For debug and experimentation, start the ClearML agent in foreground mode, where all the output is printed to screen:

clearml-agent daemon --queue default --foreground

For actual service mode, all the stdout will be stored automatically into a temporary file (no need to pipe). Notice: with --detached flag, the clearml-agent will be running in the background

clearml-agent daemon --detached --queue default

GPU allocation is controlled via the standard OS environment NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES or --gpus flag (or disabled with --cpu-only).

If no flag is set, and NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES variable doesn't exist, all GPUs will be allocated for the clearml-agent. <br> If --cpu-only flag is set, or NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="none", no gpu will be allocated for the clearml-agent.

Example: spin two agents, one per GPU on the same machine:

Notice: with --detached flag, the clearml-agent will run in the background

clearml-agent daemon --detached --gpus 0 --queue default
clearml-agent daemon --detached --gpus 1 --queue default

Example: spin two agents, pulling from dedicated dual_gpu queue, two GPUs per agent

clearml-agent daemon --detached --gpus 0,1 --queue dual_gpu
clearml-agent daemon --detached --gpus 2,3 --queue dual_gpu
Starting the ClearML Agent in docker mode

For debug and experimentation, start the ClearML agent in foreground mode, where all the output is printed to screen

clearml-agent daemon --queue default --docker --foreground

For actual service mode, all the stdout will be stored automatically into a file (no need to pipe). Notice: with --detached flag, the clearml-agent will run in the background

clearml-agent daemon --detached --queue default --docker

Example: spin two agents, one per gpu on the same machine, with default nvidia/cuda:11.0.3-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04 docker:

clearml-agent daemon --detached --gpus 0 --queue default --docker nvidia/cuda:11.0.3-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04
clearml-agent daemon --detached --gpus 1 --queue default --docker nvidia/cuda:11.0.3-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04

Example: spin two agents, pulling from dedicated dual_gpu queue, two GPUs per agent, with default nvidia/cuda:11.0.3-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04 docker:

clearml-agent daemon --detached --gpus 0,1 --queue dual_gpu --docker nvidia/cuda:11.0.3-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04
clearml-agent daemon --detached --gpus 2,3 --queue dual_gpu --docker nvidia/cuda:11.0.3-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04
Starting the ClearML Agent - Priority Queues

Priority Queues are also supported, example use case:

High priority queue: important_jobs, low priority queue: default

clearml-agent daemon --queue important_jobs default

The ClearML Agent will first try to pull jobs from the important_jobs queue, and only if it is empty, the agent will try to pull from the default queue.

Adding queues, managing job order within a queue, and moving jobs between queues, is available using the Web UI, see example on our free server

Stopping the ClearML Agent

To stop a ClearML Agent running in the background, run the same command line used to start the agent with --stop appended. For example, to stop the first of the above shown same machine, single gpu agents:

clearml-agent daemon --detached --gpus 0 --queue default --docker nvidia/cuda:11.0.3-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04 --stop

How do I create an experiment on the ClearML Server? <a name="from-scratch"></a>

ClearML-Agent Services Mode <a name="services"></a>

ClearML-Agent Services is a special mode of ClearML-Agent that provides the ability to launch long-lasting jobs that previously had to be executed on local / dedicated machines. It allows a single agent to launch multiple dockers (Tasks) for different use cases:

ClearML-Agent Services mode will spin any task enqueued into the specified queue. Every task launched by ClearML-Agent Services will be registered as a new node in the system, providing tracking and transparency capabilities. Currently, clearml-agent in services-mode supports CPU only configuration. ClearML-Agent services mode can be launched alongside GPU agents.

clearml-agent daemon --services-mode --detached --queue services --create-queue --docker ubuntu:18.04 --cpu-only

Note: It is the user's responsibility to make sure the proper tasks are pushed into the specified queue.

AutoML and Orchestration Pipelines <a name="automl-pipes"></a>

The ClearML Agent can also be used to implement AutoML orchestration and Experiment Pipelines in conjunction with the ClearML package.

Sample AutoML & Orchestration examples can be found in the ClearML example/automation folder.

AutoML examples:

Experiment Pipeline examples:


Apache License, Version 2.0 (see the LICENSE for more information)