


Plugin to KafkaOffsetMonitor tool reporting offset data to graphite via dropwizard metrics.

Building It

Currently KafkaOffsetMonitor is not available via public artifact repository, so before we build the plugin we need to build KafkaOffsetMonitor and publish it to maven local repo:

sbt publishM2

Now we can build the plugin:

sbt assembly

Running It

Check how to run KafkaOffsetMonitor and modify the command by adding a plugin assembly jar file to the classpath, and put graphite configuration properties into a pluginsArgs argument.

See original KafkaOffsetMonitor example command modified with graphite reporter plugin usage:

java -cp "KafkaOffsetMonitor-assembly-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:kafka-offset-monitor-graphite-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" \
     com.quantifind.kafka.offsetapp.OffsetGetterWeb \
     --zk zk-server1,zk-server2 \
     --port 8080 \
     --refresh 10.seconds \
     --retain 2.days \
     --pluginsArgs graphiteHost=graphite.host,graphitePort=2003,graphitePrefix=stats.kafka.offset_monitor

The pluginArgs used by kafka-offset-monitor-graphite are: