


This setup is designed to quickly demo Magento 2 or serve as a development environment. The main Docker image, osioaliu/magento2docker, includes all necessary applications (Nginx, PHP, MariaDB, Redis, Elasticsearch) to run Magento 2.

This setup should not be used on a production server due to security concerns.

Magento 2 Demo

1. Run the following command to start the container:

docker run --rm -dt --name magento2docker osioaliu/magento2docker:latest

2. Execute the following command to get Magento 2 IP:

docker exec -t magento2docker start

Magento 2 Dev

If you want to use this setup with your own project, you can use the `docker-compose.yml file. This file includes additional containers with Mailhog, Watchtower, and Rabbitmq which you may find useful for your project. These containers are currently commented out.

git clone https://github.com/aliuosio/magento2docker.git
cd magento2docker
chmod +x bin/dev

Only the app/code, dev, composer.json foldera are mapped as a volumes due perfomance. The rest of the magento files are copied to a folder parralel to htdocs so you can add it as a library to your IDE

The image with the dev tag used in the docker-compose.yml has xdebug installed with magento2docker as the idekey.

Accessing the Application


URL: http://<ip displayed on your console>/admin
Username: mage2_admin
Password: mage2_admin123#T


URL: http://<ip displayed on your console>

Additional Composer Packages


Configures Magento 2 / Adobe Commerce to send transactional emails using Google App, Gmail, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Microsoft Office365 or any other SMTP servers.


Adds WebP support to Magento 2. dominicwatts/cachewarmer: Magento 2 Site based Cachewarmer / Link checker / Siege Tester and should not be used in production environments.