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A wrapper around libntru using NIFs.

WARNING: This is a work in progress and shall not be used in production projects yet.

What is NTRU?

NTRU is a patented and open source public-key cryptosystem that uses lattice-based cryptography to encrypt and decrypt data. It consists of two algorithms: NTRUEncrypt, which is used for encryption, and NTRUSign, which is used for digital signatures. Unlike other popular public-key cryptosystems, it is resistant to attacks using Shor's algorithm and its performance has been shown to be significantly better

More on Wikipedia


Add :ntru_elixir to your deps.

def deps do
    {:ntru_elixir, "~> 0.0.0"}


Please visit hexdocs.pm/ntru_elixir for complete documentations.

Creating KeyPairs

In NTRU each private key can have multiple public keys. However to decrypt the encrypted data the same public key which data was encrypted with is necessarry.

To Create a KeyPair:

NtruElixir.generate_key_pair(pub_count, ntru_params(optional))
 [%NtruElixir.KeyPair{ntru_params: :NTRU_DEFAULT_PARAMS_128_BITS,
   priv_key: <<...>>,
   pub_key: <<...>>}, ...]}

Note that if you specify pub_count you will get multiple KeyPair structs.


Binaries can be encrypted with a keypair having the public key

NtruElixir.encrypt(key_pair, binary_to_encrypt)
{:ok, encrypted_binary}


Encrypted binaries can be decrypted with a keypair having BOTH public key and private key. Note that the public key should be the same as encryption public key.

NtruElixir.decrypt(key_pair, binary_to_decrypt)
{:ok, decrypted_binary}


The ntru_elixir project is licensed under GNU GPLv3 however it uses another libraries with different licenses.

libntru is licensed under BSD-3-Clause