


It's the colorscheme we set that defines us. (Batman)

A very dark color scheme for Visual Studio Code based on the popular vim version.

Looking for a new maintainer

Many things have changed in my personal life since I first created this theme. As a result, I'd be happy if someone wanted to become the maintainer of this project. Send me a DM on Twitter if you're interested.


gotham theme screenshot

What's new?

Version 0.5.1

Version 0.4.0

This update is all about readability:

Version 0.3.0

Version 0.2.0


Gotham is available for free on the Visual Studio Code marketplace, it can be installed in the same way as other extensions/themes:

  1. Open extension menu from the sidebar(or by running install extension in command palette)
  2. Search for Gotham Theme
  3. Press install


Go to View -> Command Palette or Press Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P and search for Color Theme, select Gotham from the themes list.


Found any issues? Create a new issue in Github repo or fix it and Submit a pull request!



This theme is ported from Sublime version of Gotham theme.