


React-Native Tab bar with more freedom


I have decided to remove all the abstraction from this module. Now there is only one component, and that is Tabbar. All the children inside Tabbar component will be rendered inside of it. There are no TabItem, WithIcon or anything else. what you put into Tabbar will be displayed as tabs. By doing that, you can attach it to your favourite state managements such as Redux, or Mobx. This module should be use as a first base block for more sophisticated tabbar. Please take a look at examples folder as I added couple of common usage.


npm install react-native-tabbar


hidedurationshows the tabbar with animations, default duration is 200 ms
showdurationshows the tabbar with animations, default duration is 200 ms
updateHeightscrollY positionpass the value of onScroll y position to show or hide tabbar
recalculatenoneonce your orientation changes, call this method to re calculate the correct position of tabbar


nametypedefault valuedescription
heightnumber50the height of tabbar
offsetnumber150how far you have to scroll before tabbar starts to disappear
stepnumber0.25the lower the number the slower the tabbar disappear
showbooleantrueif you want to not show the tabbar at the start, pass false to this prop
disablebooleanfalsedisables the progress show/hide tabbar
