

IFSeg: Image-free Semantic Segmentation via Vision-Language Model

The official codebase for <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.14396">IFSeg: Image-free Semantic Segmentation via Vision-Language Model (CVPR 2023)</a>

<img width="1381" alt="ifseg_method" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20102/228140458-d36e4050-93a0-4fe3-b508-c4943892893d.png">

This codebase is largely derived from <a href="https://github.com/OFA-Sys/OFA">OFA</a>. <br></br>


Install PyTorch and torchvision

pip install torch==1.12.1+cu116 torchvision==0.13.1+cu116 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116

Install mmsegmentation

pip install openmim
mim install mmcv-full==1.6.2
git clone https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmsegmentation.git
cd mmsegmentation && git checkout v0.28.0 && pip install -v -e .

Install other dependencies

pip install -e ./custom_fairseq/
pip install -r requirements.txt


Training and Inference

Image Processing

To ensure the efficiency of processing data, we did not store images with small files, but instead we encode them to base64 strings, following the procedure described in <a href="https://github.com/OFA-Sys/OFA/blob/main/datasets.md">OFA datasets preparation guide</a>.

<b>1. Prepare the Dataset and download pretrained checkpoint </b>

Download the COCO Stuff images and annotations from <a href="https://cocodataset.org">https://cocodataset.org</a> and the build the <code>unseen_val2017.tsv</code> and <code>fineseg_refined_val2017.tsv</code> with the example notebook <code>convert_segmentation_unseen_split.ipynb</code> and <code>convert_segmentation_coco.ipynb</code>.

For ADE20K, download images and annotations from <a href="https://groups.csail.mit.edu/vision/datasets/ADE20K/">https://groups.csail.mit.edu/vision/datasets/ADE20K/</a> and build "validation.tsv" with the example notebook <code>convert_segmentation_ade.ipynb</code>.

The pretrianed OFA checkpoint is available at <a href="https://github.com/OFA-Sys/OFA/blob/main/checkpoints.md">https://github.com/OFA-Sys/OFA/blob/main/checkpoints.md/</a>. Specifically, we require the OFA-Base model; <code>ofa_base.pt</code>.

We recommend that your workspace directory should be organized like this:

├── criterions/
├── data/
├── dataset/
│   ├── coco/unseen_val2017.tsv; fineseg_refined_val2017.tsv
│   └── ade/ade_valid.tsv
├── custom_fairseq/
├── models/
├── run_scripts/
│   ├── IFSeg/coco_unseen.sh
│   ├── IFSeg/ade.sh
│   └── IFSeg/coco_fine.sh
├── tasks/
├── train.py
├── trainer.py
├── convert_segmentation_coco_unseen_split.ipynb
├── convert_segmentation_coco.ipynb
├── convert_segmentation_ade.ipynb
├── visualize_segmentation_web.ipynb
└── utils/

<br></br> <b>2. Finetuning and Inference Scripts </b>

For running the image-free experiment for 15 unseen COCO categories (Table 1), refer to <code>run_scripts/IFSeg/coco_unseen.sh</code>

For running the image-free experiment for 150 ADE categories (Table 2), refer to <code>run_scripts/IFSeg/ade.sh</code>

For running the image-free experiment for 171 COCO-stuff categories (Table 3), refer to <code>run_scripts/IFSeg/coco_fine.sh</code> <br></br>

Visualizing the results

To obtain the web image visualization, follow the directions in <code>visualize_segmentation_web.ipynb</code>

The pre-trained checkpoint for the visualization can be downloaded from https://drive.google.com/file/d/167sIrrSsBTRQlrVHYMKYoWA5A9r04eAD/view?usp=sharing

One may also produce their own checkpoint with novel semantic categories. For example, based on a example script in <code>./run_scripts/IFSeg</code>, modify <code>category_list</code> and <code>num_seg_tokens</code> for your segmentation setting.

<img width="543" alt="ifseg_vis" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20102/228140726-a683839d-5038-4961-8f94-5c5a9b3dac2c.png"> <br></br>

Related Codebase


Please cite our paper if you find it helpful :)

  title     = {IFSeg: Image-free Semantic Segmentation via Vision-Language Model},
  author    = {Sukmin Yun and
               Seong Hyeon Park and
               Paul Hongsuck Seo and
               Jinwoo Shin},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
