Django command depends on the vim-dispatch module, therefore it is necessary to install it. For installation modules and packages in vim, I use a lightweight package manager - vim-plug. In your vimrc:
Plug 'tpope/vim-dispatch'
if has('nvim')
" Adds neovim support to vim-dispatch
Plug 'radenling/vim-dispatch-neovim'
Plug 'aliev/vim-python'
vim-dispatch will allow run the external commands asynchronously, without exiting from Vim. As we know running external commands blocks vim. As the backend for vim-dispatch, I recommend using tmux. If you're using neovim, you don't need tmux.
Env options
Ignore Python warnings (very useful for vim-htmldjango_omnicomplete plugin)
let $PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore"
Python Compiler
Compiler options:
let g:python_compiler_fixqflist = 1