

Codeship Status for alienxp03/malaysiameetups

#Malaysia Events

I thought it would be a good idea if I can discover events from Facebook groups, or Meetup. I got the idea from <a href="https://github.com/webuildsg/webuild" target="_blank">webuildsg</a>.

##API endpoints

##Contributions I need help, of course. Currently it will only find events based on groups, which are defined in <a href="https://github.com/alienxp03/malaysiameetups/blob/master/app/controllers/api/facebook_groups.rb" target="_blank">FacebookGroups</a>. You can either create a new pull request, or submit an issue.

You can find the group id using <a href="https://lookup-id.com/" target="_blank">lookup-id</a>

Quick start

  1. Clone this project and bundle install:
git clone git@github.com:alienxp03/malaysiameetups.git && cd malaysiameetups
bundle install
  1. Setup environment variables. Check file .env.example.

  2. Setup database. Check file database.yml.example.

  3. Run rake db:create && rake:db:migrate

  4. Run rails server


##License MIT (obviously)