

<div align="center"> <img src="./.readme/fedigardens.svg" width="128" alt="Fedigardens icon"/>



Fedigardens is a small, personal client for the Mastodon social network (along with any Mastodon API-compatible networks in the fediverse). The app stems from a capstone project I completed in college about humane social media design, and it aims to further this concept while providing a native Apple-like app experience.

:warning: This project is currently in a prototype state. Designs and features are not final and may change over the course of the project.

Primary Objectives

This project aims to experiment with the following:

Building from Source

Required Tools

Optional (but Recommended) Tools

Clone the repository via git clone, then open the Fedigardens workspace in the root directory.

:information_source: To prevent collisions with the normal app available in the App Store and/or TestFlight, it is recommended that you change the URL scheme from gardens: to your own URL scheme. Change this in the URL Types section of each target, then change the corresponding line in Gardens.swift to match your URL prefix:

.onAppear {
    Alice.shared.setRequestPrefix(to: "<your-url-prefix-here>")

Press the Run button in the toolbar or go to Product > Run in the menu bar to run the project in the iOS Simulator.

Archiving the Project

To archive the project, change the device target to Any iOS Device (arm64). Then go to Product > Archive to create an archive of the app that can be distributed through TestFlight or the App Store.

:warning: If you plan to archive the project and submit to the App Store, change the bundle identifier of the project on both targets to the identifier you are using for your app in App Store Connect.

Bug Reporting

If you have found a bug or would like to make a feature request, please do so on the project's Raceway page at https://feedback.marquiskurt.net/t/fedigardens or by filing a bug report on the GitHub repository's issues page.


The source code for this project is licensed under Cooperative Non-Violent License, v7+. You can read your rights in this software in LICENSE.md.

Some parts of the project are licensed under different licenses, where applicable. You may view the terms for these licenses on their respective projects: