This handler will allow Alice to look up random images on Google Images
If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:
- Add
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
defp deps do
{:websocket_client, github: "jeremyong/websocket_client"},
{:alice, "~> 0.3"},
{:alice_google_images, "~> 0.1"}
2. Add the handler to your list of registered handlers in mix.exs
def application do
[applications: [:alice],
mod: {
Alice, [Alice.Handlers.GoogleImages, ...]}]
Custom Search Engine
Google no longer offers an unregistered image search API. You must set up a Google Custom Search API.
The Custom Search API provides up to 100 search queries per day for free. If you need more than that you'll have to pay.
CSE setup details
- Create a CSE via these instructions.
- To simulate the old behavior: select "Search the entire web but emphasize included sites" in 'Sites to Search'
- Give it any site on creation, and then remove it when it's selected, unless you want to emphasize that site(s).
- Turn on images in Edit Search Engine > Setup > Basic > Image Search
- Get the CSE ID in Edit Search Engine > Setup > Basic > Details (via these instructions)
- Get the CSE KEY here
- You will need a project, you may reuse an existing one, or create a new one
- Select the project
- Goto the API manager and create a server credential and use the key from that credential
- Enable Custom Search API
- Select "Enable APIs and get credentials like keys" in your new project
- Click "Custom Search API"
- Click the button "Enable API"
- Update your conf (and your modules if necessary)
Configure Alice
In your bot's config.exs
config :alice_google_images,
cse_id: System.get_env("GOOGLE_CSE_ID"),
cse_token: System.get_env("GOOGLE_CSE_TOKEN"),
safe_search_level: :medium # other possible values are :high or :off
Use @alice help
for more information.