

meiga 🧙

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<img src="https://github.com/alice-biometrics/custom-emojis/blob/master/images/alice_header.png?raw=true" width=auto>

Documentation: <a href="https://alice-biometrics.github.io/meiga/" target="_blank">https://alice-biometrics.github.io/meiga/</a>

Source Code: <a href="https://github.com/alice-biometrics/meiga" target="_blank">https://github.com/alice-biometrics/meiga</a>

What is meiga 🧙?

meiga 🧙 is a Python µframework that provides a simple, fully typed, monad-based result type ➡️ Result[Value, Error].

How could meiga 🧙 help me?

meiga 🧙 provides a simple and clear way of handling errors in Python without using Exceptions. This package improves the Dev Experience as it allows to know all possible typed responses. With Meiga 🧙 your IDE will help you much more.

Installation 💻

pip install meiga


We'd love you to contribute to meiga 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳️️!

For more information, check our documentation

Contact 📬
