

<p align="center"> <a href="https://alibaba.github.io/pipcook/"> <img alt="pipcook" src="./docs/images/logo.png" width="160"> </a> </p> <p align="center"> A JavaScript application framework for machine learning and its engineering. </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/@pipcook/core"> <img alt="npm" src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@pipcook/core"></a> <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/@pipcook/core"> <img alt="npm" src="https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/@pipcook/core"></a> <a href="https://github.com/alibaba/pipcook"> <img alt="GitHub repo size" src="https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/alibaba/pipcook"></a> <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg"></a> </p> <p align="center"> Documentation: <a href="https://alibaba.github.io/pipcook/#/">English</a> | <a href="https://alibaba.github.io/pipcook/#/zh-cn/">中文</a> </p>


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Why Pipcook

With the mission of enabling JavaScript engineers to utilize the power of machine learning without any prerequisites and the vision to lead front-end technical field to the intelligention. Pipcook is to become the JavaScript application framework for the cross-cutting area of machine learning and front-end interaction.

We are truly to design Pipcook's API for front-end and machine learning applications, and focusing on the front-end area and developed from the JavaScript engineers' view. With the principle of being friendly to JavaScript, we will push the whole area forward with the machine learning engineering. For this reason we opened an issue about machine-learning application APIs, and look forward to you get involved.

What's Pipcook

The project provides subprojects including machine learning pipeline framework, management tools, a JavaScript runtime for machine learning, and these can be also used as building blocks in conjunction with other projects.


Pipcook is an open-source project guided by strong principles, aiming to be modular and flexible on user experience. It is open to the community to help set its direction.


Pipcook is intended for Web engineers looking to:

If you are in the above conditions, just try it via installation guide.


Pipcook Pipeline

It's used to represent ML pipelines consisting of Pipcook scripts. This layer ensures the stability and scalability of the whole system and uses a plug-in mechanism to support rich functions including dataset, training, validations, and deployment.

A Pipcook Pipeline is generally composed of lots of scripts. Through different scripts and configurations, the final output to us is an NPM package, which contains the trained model and JavaScript functions that can be used directly.

Note: In Pipcook, each pipeline has only one role, which is to output the above-trained model you need. That is to say, the last stage of each pipeline must be the output of the trained model, otherwise, this Pipeline is invalid.

Pipcook Bridge to Python

For JavaScript engineers, the most difficult part is the lack of a mature machine learning toolset in the ecosystem. In Pipcook, a module called [Boa][https://github.com/imgcook/boa], which provides access to Python packages by bridging the interface of CPython using N-API.

With it, developers can use packages such as numpy, scikit-learn, jieba, tensorflow, or any other Python ecology in the Node.js runtime through JavaScript.

Quick start


Prepare the following on your machine:

InstallerVersion Range
Node.js>= 12.17 or >= 14.0.0
npm>= 6.14.4

Install the command-line tool for managing Pipcook projects:

$ npm install -g @pipcook/cli

Then train from anyone of those pipelines, we take image classification as an example:

$ pipcook train https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/alibaba/pipcook@main/example/pipelines/image-classification-mobilenet.json -o ./output

This dataset specfied by the pipeline includes 2 categories image: avatar and blurBackground. After training, we can predict the category of a image:

$ pipcook predict ./output/image-classification-mobilenet.json -s ./output/data/validation/blurBackground/71197_223__30.7_36.jpg
✔ Origin result:[{"id":1,"category":"blurBackground","score":0.9998120665550232}]

The input is a blurBackground image from the validation dataset. And the model determines that its category is blurBackground.

Want to deploy it?

$ pipcook serve ./output
ℹ preparing framework
ℹ preparing scripts
ℹ preparing artifact plugins
ℹ initializing framework packages
Pipcook has served at: http://localhost:9091

Then you can open the browser and try your image classification server.


If you are wondering what you can do in Pipcook and where you can check your training logs and models, you could start from Pipboard:

open https://pipboard.imgcook.com

You will see a web page prompt in your browser, and there is a MNIST showcase on the home page and play around there.


If you want to train a model to recognize MNIST handwritten digits by yourself, you could try the examples below.

NameDescriptionOpen in Colab
mnist-image-classificationpipeline for classific MNIST image classification problem.N/A
databinding-image-classificationpipeline example to train the image classification task which is <br/>to classify imgcook databinding pictures.Open In Colab
object-detectionpipeline example to train object detection task which is for component recognition <br/>used by imgcook.Open In Colab
text-bayes-classificationpipeline example to train text classification task with bayesN/A

See here for complete list, and it's easy and quick to run these examples. For example, to do a MNIST image classification, just run the following to start the pipeline:

$ pipcook run https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/alibaba/pipcook@main/example/pipelines/image-classification-mobilenet.json -o output

After the above pipeline is completed, you have already trained a model at the current output/model directory, it's a tensorflow.js model.


Clone this repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:alibaba/pipcook.git

Install dependencies, e.g. via npm:

$ npm install

After the above, now build the project:

$ npm run build



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Gitter Room

<a href="https://gitter.im/alibaba/pipcook"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/gitter/room/alibaba/pipcook?logo=pipcook&style=flat-square" /> </a>

Who's using it

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Apache 2.0