

<h1 align="center"> <img src="https://alibaba.github.io/libgrape-lite/logo.png" width="100" alt="libgrape-lite"> <br> libgrape-lite </h1> <p align="center"> A C++ library for parallel graph processing </p>

C/C++ CI codecov GraphScope

libgrape-lite is a C++ library from Alibaba for parallel graph processing. It differs from prior systems in its ability to parallelize sequential graph algorithms as a whole by following the PIE programming model from GRAPE. Sequential algorithms can be easily "plugged into" libgrape-lite with only minor changes and get parallelized to handle large graphs efficiently. In addition to the ease of programming, libgrape-lite is designed to be highly efficient and flexible, to cope the scale, variety and complexity from real-life graph applications.

Building libgrape-lite


libgrape-lite is developed and tested on CentOS 7. It should also work on other unix-like distributions. Building libgrape-lite requires the following softwares installed as dependencies.

Here are the dependencies for optional features:

Extra dependencies are required by examples:

Building libgrape-lite and examples

Once the required dependencies have been installed, go to the root directory of libgrape-lite and do a out-of-source build using CMake.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j

The building targets include a shared/static library, and two sets of examples: analytical_apps and a gnn_sampler.

Alternatively, you can build a particular target with command:

make libgrape-lite # or
make analytical_apps # or
make gnn_sampler

Building libgrape-lite with GPU support

libgrape-lite supports deploying graph algorithms to GPUs. When CUDA is detected on the machine and NCCL >= 2.7, GPU support will be enabled automatically.

Running libgrape-lite applications

Graph format

The input of libgrape-lite is formatted following the LDBC Graph Analytics benchmark, with two files for each graph, a .v file for vertices with 1 or 2 columns, which are a vertex_id and optionally followed by the data assigned to the vertex; and a .e file for edges with 2 or 3 columns, representing source, destination and optionally the data on the edge, correspondingly. See sample files p2p-31.v and p2p-31.e under the dataset directory.

Example applications

libgrape-lite provides six algorithms from the LDBC benchmark as examples. The deterministic algorithms are, single-source shortest path(SSSP), connected component(WCC), PageRank, local clustering coefficient(LCC), community detection of label propagation(CDLP), and breadth first search(BFS).

To run a specific analytical application, users may use command like this:

# run single-source shortest path with 4 workers in local.
mpirun -n 4 ./run_app --vfile ../dataset/p2p-31.v --efile ../dataset/p2p-31.e --application sssp --sssp_source 6 --out_prefix ./output_sssp --directed

# or run connected component with 4 workers on a cluster.
# HOSTFILE provides a list of hosts where MPI processes are launched. 
mpirun -n 4 -hostfile HOSTFILE ./run_app --application=wcc --vfile ../dataset/p2p-31.v --efile ../dataset/p2p-31.e --out_prefix ./output_wcc

# or run breadth-first search with 8 workers in a multi-GPU server.
mpirun -n 8 ./run_cuda_app --application=bfs --lb=cm --bfs_source 6 --vfile ../dataset/p2p-31.v --efile ../dataset/p2p-31.e --out_prefix ./output_wcc

# see more flags info.
./run_app --help

LDBC benchmarking

The analytical applications support the LDBC Analytical Benchmark suite with the provided ldbc_driver. Please refer to ldbc_driver for more details. The benchmark results for libgrape-lite and other state-of-the-art systems could be found here.

GNN sampler

In addition to offline graph analytics, libgrape-lite could also be utilized to handle more complex graph tasks. A sampler for GNN training/inference on dynamic graphs (taking graph changes and queries, and producing results via Kafka) is included as an example. Please refer to examples/gnn_sampler for more details.

GPU-based graph analytics

libgrape-lite also supports graph analytics on multi-GPU servers. Unlike CPUs, GPUs have more-but-weaker cores, making load balancing the key to high-performance sparse graph processing on GPUs. libgrape-lite provides multiple load balancing strategies on GPUs (wm, cm, cta, and strict). libgrape-lite adopts NCCL to handle communication between multiple GPUs. With GPU acceleration, libgrape-lite can obtain similar performance for a 4-node CPU cluster with a single GPU. The detailed benchmark results of libgrape-lite on GPUs could also be found here.


Documentation is generated using Doxygen. Users can build doxygen documentation in the build directory using:

cd build
make doc
# open docs/index.html

The latest version of online documentation can be found at https://alibaba.github.io/libgrape-lite


libgrape-lite is distributed under Apache License 2.0. Please note that third-party libraries may not have the same license as libgrape-lite.



Please cite the following paper in your publications if GRAPE or this repo helps your research.

    author = {Fan, Wenfei and Xu, Jingbo and Wu, Yinghui and Yu, Wenyuan and Jiang, Jiaxin and Zheng, Zeyu and Zhang, Bohan and Cao, Yang and Tian, Chao},
    title = {Parallelizing Sequential Graph Computations},
    year = {2017},
    isbn = {9781450341974},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3035918.3035942},
    doi = {10.1145/3035918.3035942},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data},
    pages = {495–510},
    numpages = {16},
    location = {Chicago, Illinois, USA},
    series = {SIGMOD '17}

Getting involved

Thank you in advance for your contributions!