



This library is an extension of Android's EditText control. Its purpose is to detect the type of credit card from the numbers that are entered in it. It also provides an interface through which more patterns can be added. Once a pattern is found it displays the appropriate image next to the number.

Default CreditCardEditText



American express


Method 1: Referencing library project

CreditCardEditText is created as a standalone Android-Library project. You can easily include this project by referencing the library/ folder in your project using Android studio

Method 2: Adding a remote referece

The compiled version of the library is present on maven central. Using this method is easier than downloading the source and referencing it in your project. To add the library via a remote reference please follow these steps:

repositories {
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.wednesday-solutions:CreditCardEditText:+@aar'

Note: The dependacy section can have other dependencies


By default this control detects the following card types:

In case you want to support more types then simply create an object that implements the CreditCardEditText.CreditCartEditTextInterface interface and return a list of CreditCardEditText.CreditCard objects as shown below:

public class CreditCardPatterns implements CreditCardEditText.CreditCartEditTextInterface {

    private Context mContext;

    public CreditCardPatterns(Context context) {
        mContext = context;

    public List<CreditCardEditText.CreditCard> mapOfRegexStringAndImageResourceForCreditCardEditText(CreditCardEditText creditCardEditText) {
        List<CreditCardEditText.CreditCard> listOfPatterns = new ArrayList<CreditCardEditText.CreditCard>();
        CreditCardEditText.CreditCard newCard = new CreditCardEditText.CreditCard("^4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?$", mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.newcard), "newcard");

        return listOfPatterns;

The CreditCard class has details about the regex pattern, image and a string identifier.

Once this class is ready all you need to do is to pass this object to the CreditCardEditText control. This is done using the setCreditCardEditTextListener method.

Android Arsenal


"credit_card" image by Brian Opplander, from the noun project collection.