


Project Page | Paper

<img src='img/teaser.png' width=450>

Generative Models as a Data Source for Multiview Representation Learning
Ali Jahanian, Xavier Puig, Yonglong Tian, Phillip Isola


Table of Contents:<br>

  1. Setup<br>
  2. Visualizations - plotting image panels, videos, and distributions<br>
  3. Training - pipeline for training your encoder<br>
  4. Testing - pipeline for testing/transfer learning your encoder<br>
  5. Notebooks - some jupyter notebooks, good place to start for trying your own dataset generations<br>
  6. Colab Demo - a colab notebook to demo how the contrastive encoder training works<br>
<a name="setup"/>


git clone https://github.com/ali-design/GenRep
conda env create -f environment.yml
<a name="visualizations"/>


Plotting contrasting images: <br> <img src='img/panels.png'>

<!-- **Generating the plots in the paper:** <br> <img src='img/plots.png' width=300> - Run `plots.ipynb` to get the plots in the paper. We added some pretrained weights in the `./models_pretrained` if you want to run tests on them, but you can also use the models you train yourself. --> <!-- ```bash python vis_image.py \ models_pretrained/biggan_zoom_linear_lr0.0001_l2/model_20000_final.ckpt \ models_pretrained/biggan_zoom_linear_lr0.0001_l2/opt.yml \ --gpu 0 --num_samples 50 --noise_seed 20 --truncation 0.5 --category 207 python vis_image.py \ models_pretrained/stylegan_color_linear_lr0.0001_l2_cats_w/model_2000_final.ckpt \ models_pretrained/stylegan_color_linear_lr0.0001_l2_cats_w/opt.yml \ --gpu 1 --num_samples 10 --noise_seed 20 ``` - By default this will save generated images to `<output_dir>/images` specified in the config yml, unless overwritten with the `--output_dir` option --> <br> <!-- **To make a videos:** <br> <img src='img/cats.gif' width=300><img src='img/color.gif' width=300> ```bash python vis_video.py [CHECKPOINT] [CONFIG] --gpu [GPU] --noise_seed [SEED] --sample [SAMPLE] python vis_video.py models_pretrained/biggan_color_linear_lr0.001_l2/model_20000_final.ckpt \ models_pretrained/biggan_color_linear_lr0.001_l2/opt.yml --gpu 0 --sample 10 \ --noise_seed 20 --truncation 0.5 --category 538 --min_alpha -1 --max_alpha 0 ``` - By default this will save output to `<output_dir>/video` specified in the config yml, unless overwritten with the `--output_dir` and `--filename` options <br> **To draw distributions:** <br> <img src='img/distribution.png' width=300> To draw distributions, you will need to have downloaded the object detector through `resources/download_resources.sh` (for objects) or installed dlib through `environment.yml` (for faces). ```bash python vis_distribution.py [CHECKPOINT] [CONFIG] --gpu [GPU] python vis_distribution.py models_pretrained/biggan_shiftx_linear_lr0.001_l2/model_20000_final.ckpt \ models_pretrained/biggan_shiftx_linear_lr0.001_l2/opt.yml --gpu 0 ``` - By default this will save output to `<output_dir>/distribution` specified in the config yml, unless overwritten with the `--output_dir` option --> <a name="training"/>

Training encoders

# train a SimCLR on an unconditional IGM dataset (e.g. your dataset is generated by a Gaussian walk, called my_gauss in a GANs model)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python main_unified.py --method SimCLR --cosine \ 
	--dataset path_to_your_dataset --walk_method my_gauss \ 
	--cache_folder your_ckpts_path >> log_train_simclr.txt &

# train a SupCon on a conditional IGM dataset (e.g. your dataset is generated by steering walks, called my_steer in a GANs model)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python main_unified.py --method SupCon --cosine \
	--dataset path_to_your_dataset --walk_method my_steer \ 
	--cache_folder your_ckpts_path >> log_train_supcon.txt &
<a name="testing"/>

Testing encoders

<img src='img/GenRep_pipeline.png' width=600>

Imagenet linear classification

Below is the command to train a linear classifier on top of the features learned

# test your unconditional or conditional IGM trained model (i.e. the encoder you trained in the previous section) on ImageNet
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python main_linear.py --learning_rate 0.3 \ 
	--ckpt path_to_your_encoder --data_folder path_to_imagenet \
	>> log_test_your_model_name.txt &

Pascal VOC2007 classification

To test classification on PascalVOC, you will extract features from a pretrained model and run an SVM on top of the futures. You can do that running the following code:

cd transfer_classification
./run_svm_voc.sh 0 path_to_your_encoder name_experiment path_to_pascal_voc

The code is based on FAIR Self-Supervision Benchmark

Pascal VOC2007 detection

To test transfer in detection experiments do the following:

  1. Enter into transfer_detection
  2. Install detectron2, replacing the detectron2 folder.
  3. Convert the checkpoints path_to_your_encoder to detectron2 format:
python convert_ckpt.py path_to_your_encoder output_ckpt.pth
  1. Add a symlink from the PascalVOC07 and PascalVOC12 into the datasets folder.
  2. Train the detection model:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python train_net.py \
      --num-gpus 8 \
      --config-file config/pascal_voc_R_50_C4_transfer.yaml \
      MODEL.WEIGHTS ckpts/${name}.pth \
      OUTPUT_DIR outputs/${name}

<a name="notebooks"/>


source activate genrep_env
python -m ipykernel install --user --name genrep_env
<a name="colab"/>


git Acknowledgements

We thank the authors of these repositories:


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper:

	title={Generative Models as a Data Source for Multiview Representation Learning}, 
	author={Jahanian, Ali and Puig, Xavier and Tian, Yonglong and Isola, Phillip}, 
	journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.05258}, 