

<p align="left"> <img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4659608/12700433/4276edc0-c7f3-11e5-9f2c-de6bcbb9416d.png" width="600"> </p>

Media Picker

Codacy Badge

Please let me know if your application go to production via this link

Media Picker is an Android Libary that lets you to select multiple images, video or voice for Android 4.1 (API 16) +. You can report any issue on issues page. Note: If you speak Arabic, you can submit issues with Arabic language and I will check them. :)


This build 2.x.x will break backward compatibility and there are a lot of changes to improve the performance and fix a lot of Leak memory issues, So please read below document carefully.





dependencies {
	implementation 'net.alhazmy13.MediaPicker:libary:2.4.4'



After adding the library, you need to:

  1. Create an object from ImagePicker or VideoPicker
  2. Override onActivityResult to receive the path of image or videos.

Create an ImagePicker

You will need to create a new instance of ImagePicker. Once the instance are configured, you can call build().

        new ImagePicker.Builder(MainActivity.this)
                        .scale(600, 600)

Override onActivityResult

In order to receive the path of image, you will need to override onActivityResult .

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

        if (requestCode == ImagePicker.IMAGE_PICKER_REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
            List<String> mPaths = data.getStringArrayListExtra(ImagePicker.EXTRA_IMAGE_PATH);
            //Your Code

Additional Options




.scale(500, 500)

Create an VideoPicker

You will need to create a new instance of VideoPicker. Once the instance are configured, you can call build().

        new VideoPicker.Builder(MainActivity.this)

Override onActivityResult

In order to receive the path of videos, you will need to override onActivityResult .

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

        if (requestCode == VideoPicker.VIDEO_PICKER_REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
            List<String> mPaths =  data.getStringArrayListExtra(VideoPicker.EXTRA_VIDEO_PATH);
            //Your Code

Additional Options





RxJava 2 for MediaPicker

It's an extenstion that allow you to return an observable from ImagePickerBuilder or VideoPickerBuilder, all you need is to add below dependency and then return the observable from ImagePickerHelper || VideoPickerHelper class.


dependencies {
  implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:(Last_version)'
  implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:(Last_version)'
	implementation 'net.alhazmy13.MediaPicker:rxjava:(Last_version)'
  new ImagePickerHelper(
        new ImagePicker.Builder(Context)

Theme the pickers

You can change the strings be overwriting below resources in your project.

    <string name="media_picker_select_from">Select From:</string>
    <string name="media_picker_camera">Camera</string>
    <string name="media_picker_gallery">Gallery</string>
    <string name="media_picker_ok">Ok</string>
    <string name="media_picker_cancel">Cancel</string>
    <string name="media_picker_some_permission_is_denied">Some Permission is Denied</string>
    <string name="media_picker_you_need_to_grant_access_to">You need to grant access to</string>
    <string name="media_picker_read_Write_external_storage"><![CDATA[Read & Write External Storage]]></string>