


toyterm is a toy terminal emulator for Linux.




To install:

$ git clone https://github.com/algon-320/toyterm
$ cd toyterm
$ tic -x -o "$HOME/.terminfo/" toyterm.info
$ cargo install --path .

To configure:

$ mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/toyterm"
$ cp ./config.toml "$HOME/.config/toyterm"
$ $EDITOR "$HOME/.config/toyterm/config.toml"

To uninstall:

$ rm "$HOME/.terminfo/t/toyterm-256color"
$ cargo uninstall toyterm
$ rm -r "$HOME/.config/toyterm"


Ctrl + -Decrease font size
Ctrl + =Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + cCopy selected text
Ctrl + Shift + vPaste clipboard text
Ctrl + Shift + lClear history
Up keySend \x1b[[A
Down keySend \x1b[[B
Right keySend \x1b[[C
Left keySend \x1b[[D
PageUp keySend \x1b[5~
PageDown keySend \x1b[6~
Delete keySend \x1b[3~
Backspace keySend \x7f
Mouse WheelSame effect as arrow keys (Up/Down/Right/Left)
Shift + Mouse WheelScroll history

If feature multiplex is enalbed:

Ctrl + a, cCreate a new window
Ctrl + a, nSwitch to next window
Ctrl + a, pSwitch to prev window
Ctrl + a, %Split current pane vertically
Ctrl + a, "Split current pane horizontally
Ctrl + a, zMaximize current pane
Ctrl + a, sSave current layout
Ctrl + a, rRestore saved layout
Ctrl + a, xClose currently focused pane
Ctrl + a, Up/Down/Left/RightFocus up/down/left/right pane
Ctrl + a, Ctrl + UpMove the partition up (i.e. Decrease the width of upper pane)
Ctrl + a, Ctrl + DownMove the partition down (i.e. Increase the width of upper pane)
Ctrl + a, Ctrl + LeftMove the partition left (i.e. Decrease the width of left pane)
Ctrl + a, Ctrl + RightMove the partition right (i.e. Increase the width of right pane)
Ctrl + a, Ctrl + aSend \x01 (Ctrl + a)

Control Functions

toyterm aims to support the standard control functions described in ECMA-48. Some private functions, widely used by modern terminals, may be supported as well. Currently toyterm supports the following functions.

C0 functions

C1 functions

Control Sequences

Device Control Function

Other Sequences


toyterm supports the following modes.


This software is licensed under MIT License.

The embedded fonts (M PLUS 1 Code) are redistributed under the Open Font License (OFL). See also src/font/OFL.txt for more details.