

Godello (aka GodoTrello) Godot 3.5 Donate using PayPal Become a patron

Trello inspired kanban board made with the Godot Engine and GDScript, powered by an online real-time collaborative backend made with Elixir and Phoenix Channels. It also features a local backend data store with custom Godot Resources, for offline usage, and Settings screen to toggle between backends and data stores.

Godello Drag and Drop + Reactive Example

Table of Contents

Introduction Video


Motivation πŸ’‘

A Godot Engine proof of concept for:

In the end, the idea is to showcase Godot as a viable option for native Desktop applications and tools, no matter how simple or complex/advanced the application and the interface are.

Features πŸŽ›οΈ

Progress 🚧

What is finished

Work in progress

Roadmap πŸ—ΊοΈ

NOTICE: The roadmap implementation is stalled since this project went open-source in 2019. It's unlikely that at this stage the roadmap will be implemented. But other than that, the core of the project is already implemented, i.e. the Trello-like user interface with Godot. But feel free to open a PR if you want to contribute with these features :)


Why is list and card movement stuttering? Why does list and card movement have low FPS?

Disable "Low Processor Mode" (in Project Settings, Application, Run).

Sponsorship and Donations ❀️

You can support my open-source contributions and this project on Patreon or with a PayPal donation. Patrons and donors of any tier will have their name listed here. Patrons of the Sponsors tier or higher, can also have a link and a logo listed here.

Updates πŸ“‘

For news and more code and art experiments and prototypes:

License βš–οΈ

MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 Alfred Reinold Baudisch