

jQuery Dynatable

A funner, semantic, HTML5+JSON, interactive table plugin.

See the full documentation with demos.


The purpose of Dynatable is to provide a simple, extensible API, which makes viewing and interacting with larger datasets easy. Dynatable provides a framework for implementing the most common elements out of the box, including sorting, searching and filtering. Above all, I wanted a clean and elegant API that is fun to use.


To install Dynatable:


IRC: Join us at #dynatable on freenode IRC

Bugs and Feature Requests: Search and open a Github Issue

Debugging: Fork and edit this template on JSFiddle

Questions: Ask a question tagged with dynatable on StackOverflow



Currently the testing process consists of opening the Dynatable documentation (source code here) in each browser and making sure every example works. This is fine for the initial release, since it serves the dual purpose of helping us write the documentation and having a written functional use-case at once. However, one of the top priorities now is to automate each use-case in the docs as a test case within an automated test suite.

If anyone out there thinks this sounds like fun, please contact me or even go ahead and create an issue/pull request. Otherwise, it will be at the top of my priority list until I can get to it.


Please see the Contributing Guidelines.


Steve Schwartz - JangoSteve on Github, @jangosteve on Twitter

Alfa Jango logo Alfa Jango Open Source - @alfajango on Twitter

Copyright and License

Copyright 2014 Alfa Jango LLC.

Dual licensed, released under the Free Software Foundation's GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL), or see license information for proprietary or commercial applications.


Refactor performance benchmarks

For version 0.1.0, Dynatable went through a refactor to use prototypal inheritence as a more memory-efficient foundation. Here are some off-the-cuff benchmarks I set up when doing this.

The performance increase was modest, according to these benchmarks, but more importantly, the code became a bit cleaner and easier to work with.



Currently, there's still a bit of performance improvement to be gained by further grouping DOM reads and writes (though they're already mostly grouped together), and by using JS string concatenation instead of jQuery to build the HTML for rendering step.

The new string concatenation has started to roll out in v0.2.