IRC client components for noflo. Wraps the node-irc library by martynsmith.
By Alfredo Consebola.
irc/Client :
Connects once server, nick and channel are received.
Sends data as objects through :
PM : private messages the client gets.
{from: 'user', to: 'channel', message: 'text'}
KICK : kick messages in the channel.
{channel: 'channel', who: 'kicked user', op: 'op', reason: 'kick reason'}
PART : part messages in the channel.
{channel: 'channel', who: 'parting user'}
JOIN : join messages in the channel.
{channel: 'channel', who: 'joining user'}
OUT : normal messages in the channel.
{from: 'user', to: 'channel', message: 'text'}
ERROR : sends client errors.
{message: [ error lines ]}
Inports :
SHUTDOWN : shuts down the client.
PARTMSG : sets part message for the client.
SERVER : sets server.
NICK : sets nick.
CHANNEL : sets channel to join.
IN : write messages to the joined channel.
For ease of use I bundle this useful component that extracts a property value from incoming objects.
Outports :
OUT : property value of incoming object, sends the MISSING value if not present.
NOTMISSING : only sends values if present, does not send the MISSING value.
HADKEY : forwards objects that had the property.
NOTHADKEY : forwards objects that didn't have the property.
Inports :
KEY : sets the key used to extract property values. Defaults to 'message' for convenience.
IN : incoming objects.
MISSING : value to be used for missing properties through the OUT port.