

TextMate SASS Build Status

TextMate bundle to work with SASS/SCSS & Compass projects.


If you're running TextMate to write scss files is probably that you are ready to go, anyway there are a couple of requeriments before running this bundle. The Sass Way explains with full detail how to setup a development enviroment with sass and compass, you can read it here: Getting started with Sass and Compass.


In the terminal:

$ cd ~/Library/Application Support/Avian/Bundles

$ git clone git://github.com/alexsancho/SASS.tmbundle.git SASS.tmbundle

Environment variables

TM_COMPASS : path to compass gem, not needed if is on your path

TM_COMPASS_DOCS : compass docs url (optional, defaults to http://compass-style.org/)

TM_COMPASS_PATH : full path to compass gem directory, required to use "Find Mixin", "Select Mixin", "Find Variable", "Select Variable" commands

TM_CSS_SPACE : used on snippets to define separation between rule and value

Command reference


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