


Twitter Version License Platform Swift Build Status Carthage compatible Swift Package Manager Compatible

UIButton subclass with push to talk recording, speech recognition and Siri-style waveform view.


📲 Installation

SpeechRecognizerButton is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SpeechRecognizerButton'

Or you can install it with Carthage:

github "alexruperez/SpeechRecognizerButton"

Or install it with Swift Package Manager:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/alexruperez/SpeechRecognizerButton.git")

🐒 Usage


Add NSMicrophoneUsageDescription and NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription keys to your Info.plist file containing a description of how your app will use the voice recording and speech recognition.

Handling authorization:

Automatically opening Settings when denying permission:

button.authorizationErrorHandling = .openSettings(completion: ...)

Custom handling:

button.authorizationErrorHandling = .custom(handler: { error in
  // TODO: Your code here!

Handling results:

button.resultHandler = { recordURL, speechRecognitionResult in
  // TODO: Your code here!

Handling errors:

button.errorHandler = { error in
  // TODO: Your code here!

Assigning waveform view:

Just set weak var waveformView: SFWaveformView? property or use the Interface Builder outlet.

Assigning activity indicator view:

Just set weak var activityIndicatorView: UIActivityIndicatorView? property or use the Interface Builder outlet.

Customizing SFButton configuration:

Just set the following properties by code or use the Interface Builder inspectables.

button.recordURL = ...
button.audioFormatSettings = [AV...Key: ...]
button.maxDuration = ...
button.locale = Locale....
button.taskHint = SFSpeechRecognitionTaskHint....
button.queue = OperationQueue....
button.contextualStrings = ["..."]
button.interactionIdentifier = "..."
button.animationDuration = ...
button.shouldVibrate = ...
button.shouldSound = ...
button.pushToTalk = ...
button.speechRecognition = ...
button.cancelOnDrag = ...
button.shouldHideWaveform = ...
button.cornerRadius = ...
button.borderColor = ...
button.borderWidth = ...
button.selectedColor = ...
button.highlightedColor = ...
button.disabledColor = ...
button.highlightedAlpha = ...

Customizing SFWaveformView configuration:

Just set the following properties by code or use the Interface Builder inspectables.

waveformView.waveColor = ...
waveformView.numberOfWaves = ...
waveformView.primaryWaveLineWidth = ...
waveformView.secondaryWaveLineWidth = ...
waveformView.idleAmplitude = ...
waveformView.frequency = ...
waveformView.density = ...
waveformView.phaseShift = ...
waveformView.amplitude = ...

❤️ Etc.

👨‍💻 Authors

alexruperez, contact@alexruperez.com

👮‍♂️ License

SpeechRecognizerButton is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.