


The Most Versatile JavaScript Animated Typing Utility on the Planet

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<p align="center"> <img src="readme-demo.gif" alt="" style="border: 5px solid #24292e;"> </p>


TypeIt is the most versatile JavaScript typewriter effect utility on the planet. With its simple yet flexible configuration, you're empowerd to type single or multiple strings that break lines, delete & replace each other, easily handle string containing HTML, loop, and a whole lot more.

For more advanced, controlled typing effects, TypeIt comes with companion functions that can be chained to control your typing down to a single character or millisecond, enabling you to type an dynamic narrative, with complete reign over speed changes, line breaks, deletions, and pauses.

Key Features

License Options

Using TypeIt for an open source or personal project is completely free is licensed under GPLv3. To use it in a commercial project, however, a paid license is required. Learn more about them here:


See some more examples and try out the sandbox at https://typeitjs.com.


All of TypeIt's documentation can be found at https://typeitjs.com/docs.

Included Packages


Please do! Check out the CONTRIBUTING.md file to see how to get started.

Know of a Neat Site Using TypeIt?

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Need Help?

If you're working with a custom implementation of TypeIt and would like some help, I'm available for hire. Get in touch!