

SVG Morpheus


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JavaScript library enabling SVG icons to morph from one to the other. It implements Material Design's Delightful Details transitions.

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Using SVG Morpheus with a CDN

CDN provided by cdnjs

<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/SVG-Morpheus/0.3.2/svg-morpheus.js"></script>


You have the following options to install the library:

Add Script

Simply add the svg-morpheus.js script to your website/application. No other scripts are needed. Both the minified and uncompressed (for development) versions are in the /compile folder.

<script src="svg-morpheus.js"></script>


  1. Add an icon set SVG to the HTML file where you want to show the morphing icon.
  2. Create a SVG Morpheus instance for the icon set by calling new SVGMorpheus(element). Object/IFrame/Inline SVG element containing the icon set. Can be a DOM element or a CSS query selector.. For example:
var myIcons = new SVGMorpheus('#myIconSet');
  1. After initializing, you get a SVGMorpheus object having to(ID) function. ID is an id of Icon in the icon set. Use it to morph the icon to another icon in the icon set.


SVGMorpheus Constructor

Creates a SVGMorpheus instance.

var myIcons = new SVGMorpheus(element, options, callback);

element - Object/IFrame/SVG element containing an icon set. Can be a DOM element or a CSS query selector.

options - Optional. Object specifying default options.

options.iconId - Optional. Id of an icon shown after initialization. Default: last icon in the icon set.

options.duration - Optional. Set a default duration for transition animations, in msec. Default: 750.

options.easing - Optional. Set a default easing for transition animations. Default: quad-in-out.

options.rotation - Optional. Set a default rotation for icon shapes. clock = clockwise, counterclock = counterclockwise, random = randomly set clock/counterclock, none = no rotation. Default: clock.

callback - Optional. Set a default callback function to call at the animation end.


Morphs the icon to another one.

myIcons.to(iconId, options, callback);

iconId - Id of an icon to transition to.

options - Optional. Object specifying the animation options.

options.duration - Optional. Set a duration for the animation, in msec.

options.easing - Optional. Set an easing for the animation.

options.rotation - Optional. Set a rotation for icon shapes. clock = clockwise, counterclock = counterclockwise, random = randomly set clock/counterclock, none = no rotation.

callback - Optional. Set a callback function to call at the animation end.


Registers a custom easing function. SVGMorpheus has a set of predefined easing functions for the morph animation (goes below). If you want to use your own easing, use this function to do that.

myIcons.registerEasing(name, fn);

name - Name of an easing function you want to register.

fn - Easing function. function easing(timing) gets a float 0<=timing<=1 argument as an input, and outputs float 0<=progress<=1.

Predefined easing functions

circ-in, circ-out, circ-in-out, cubic-in, cubic-out, cubic-in-out, elastic-in, elastic-out, elastic-in-out, expo-in, expo-out, expo-in-out, linear, quad-in, quad-out, quad-in-out, quart-in, quart-out, quart-in-out, quint-in, quint-out, quint-in-out, sine-in, sine-out, sine-in-out

Icon Set structure

SVG should have the following structure to be a valid icon set:

  <g id="icon1">
    Shape elements
  <g id="icon2">
    Shape elements

Example code

Check the Demos directory for examples.

Supported browsers

Chrome Firefox IE >= 10 Safari Opera iOS Safari Android Browser >= 4.4 Chrome for Android


See the LICENSE file.