

E3D: Event-Based Shape Reconstruction


Installing Pytorch3D

Create an Anaconda Environment:

conda env create -n pytorch3d python=3.7 --file env.yml
conda activate pytorch3d

Install a version of pytorch and torchvision suitable for your environment, see Pytorch for instructions. For example:

#CPU Only
conda install pytorch torchvision cpuonly -c pytorch
#CUDA 10.2
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

Install Pytorch3d with CUDA Support (Change for your cuda version):

conda install -c conda-forge -c fvcore -c iopath fvcore iopath
conda install -c pytorch3d pytorch3d

If you run into an "Unsatisfiable Error" with the current version of your CUDA driver then you should install Pytorch3D nighty build:

conda install -c pytorch3d-nightly pytorch3d

Installing Pytorch3D without CUDA Support:

pip install "git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d.git"

Other Dependencies

Installing RPG Vid2e for the event generator. Cmake required to build the code

git clone https://github.com/alexisbdr/rpg_vid2e.git --recursive
conda install -y -c conda-forge opencv tqdm scikit-video eigen boost boost-cpp pybind11
pip install -e . 

Installing PMO.

git clone https://github.com/alexisbdr/photometric-mesh-optim.git

Installing pydvs for EVIMO event preprocessing:

git clone https://github.com/AlanJiang98/pydvs.git
cd lib
sudo python3 setup.py install

Pre-Trained Models

Synthetic Data Models

CategoryDrive Link
dolphin (baseline)link
dolphin (fine-tuned)link
car (PMO - Events)link
chair (PMO - Events)link

EVIMO Data Models

CategoryDrive Link


Synthtic Datasets

Toy datasets of both car and chair are provided with the code to ease reproducibility. We recommend running with the toy datasets (as described below) to reproduce the results seen in the paper/

You will need at least 20G of space to download the full datasets

The datasets must be downloaded to data/renders

NameCategoryDrive Link

EVIMO Datasets

Please click here to download the EVIMO dataset we use.

We collect 5 event sequences of car object and 3 event sequences of plane object from EVIMO DAVIS346 for E3D. For more collection details, please refer to the page. We have generated the event frames from the raw data in EVIMO. If you want to generate your own event frames, please download the raw data from EVIMO DAVIS346 and refer to the pydvs.

Running E3D

Experiment settings are in the json file in config/ directory. You can change the settings in the json file for your experiment. Also, experiment settings are formulated in class Param in the ./utils/params.py. You can change the default settings of each item.

Evaluation with Pre-trained Models

For synthetic datasets:

python predict.py --cfg ./config/synth/config.json --gpu 0 --segpose_model_cpt /YourModelPath --name /YourExperimentName 

For EVIMO datasets:

python predict.py --cfg ./config/evimo/config.json --gpu 0 --segpose_model_cpt /YourModelPath --name /YourExperimentName 


For synthetic datasets:

python train-segpose.py --gpu 0 --config ./config/synth/config.json

For EVIMO datasets:

python train-segpose.py --gpu 0 --config ./config/evimo/config.json

Generating a synthetic event dataset

Default parameters are in synth_dataset/params.py

cd synth_dataset
python generate_dataset.py --gpu 0 --name test_car --category car

The dataset will be generated in data/renders by default


Any contributions are much appreciated!! The repository uses pre-commit to clean the code before committing. To install run:

conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit
pre-commit install

This should apply the pre-commit hooks. If this is your first time contributing to an open source project, follow the guidelines here