##OPTICS CLUSTERING## This MATLAB function computes a set of clusters based on the algorithm introduced in Figure 19 of Ankerst, Mihael, et al. "OPTICS: ordering points to identify the clustering structure." ACM Sigmod Record. Vol. 28. No. 2. ACM, 1999.
Written by Alex Kendall University of Cambridge 18 Feb 2015
This software is licensed under GPLv3, see included glpv3.txt.
points - input points to cluster where each point is a separate row and the columns are data dimensions
minpts - the minimum points required to form a cluster
epsilon - a percentage threshold to make a cluster
SetOfClusters - a struct containing each cluster's start and end index
RD - each point's reachability distance
CD - each point's core distance
order - the order of points in the reachability graph
Dependencies: This function requires optics.m from Michal Daszykowski's implementation of calculating the reachability distance for all points. For more details, refer to