


Build Status

A handy wrapper for using the Web Notifications API. Notify.js aims to simplify requesting user permission and associated Web Notification API events, as well as providing a few extra callbacks and convenience methods.

Online demo: https://alexgibson.github.io/notify.js/


npm install notifyjs

Note: when installed via npm the Notify.js source file is located at ./dist/notify.js.


Notify.js is written in ES6 and transpiled to ES5 & UMD format using Babel and Rollup.

Install dependencies:

npm install

Then build from source:

npm run build


To initialize a web notification create a new Notify instance, passing the message title as well as any other options you wish to use.

var myNotification = new Notify('Yo dawg!', {
	body: 'This is an awesome notification',
	notifyShow: onNotifyShow

function onNotifyShow() {
	console.log('notification was shown!');

Then show the notification.


It's a good idea to make sure that you have permissions to send notifications first.

if (!Notify.needsPermission) {
} else if (Notify.isSupported()) {
    Notify.requestPermission(onPermissionGranted, onPermissionDenied);

function onPermissionGranted() {
	console.log('Permission has been granted by the user');

function onPermissionDenied() {
	console.warn('Permission has been denied by the user');

Required parameters

Optional parameters

All options supported in the Notifications API specification, in addition to:

Static methods and properties

Instance methods


In the project root, to perform a single pass of the tests using Firefox run:

npm run test

This will also automatically build from source before running the tests.

Demo example

An easy way to run the provided demo file is to use python SimpleHTTPServer and then navigate to the /example directory:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Browser support
