


What is this?

spotminer automates the Packet.net spot market and a cryptocurrency miner so that you can lower the costs of mining in the cloud and access bare metal performance.

Packet's Spot Market allows users to bid on spare server capacity at reduced rates.


Note: See disclaimer and check T&Cs with any cloud provider before embarking on mining.


If you have additional questions or you want to try mining but don't want to use this example then consult my mine-with-docker project. You can also rebuild your own Docker image/binaries from source.


go install github.com/alexellis/spotminer

This installs spotminer into your $GOPATH/bin directory, so update your $PATH variable if necessary. $GOPATH is normally set to $HOME/go.

The config file is read from config.yml, so copy config.example.yml as a template and fill in your Packet API key and project ID. Set the CONFIG_FILE environment variable for a different filename or path. You must also configure the bitcoin wallet address for your mining here.

  project_id: ""
  api_key: ""
  max_spot_instances: 6
  max_price: 0.15
  mine_algo: "cryptonight"
  port: 3355
  bitcoin_wallet: wallet_address

For mining Hodl use mine_algo: hodl and port: 3352


Dependencies are managed through the dep tool.

Go package used to talk to the Packet API

Used to read YAML configuration files


This software is provided without any warranty or support. Use at your own risk and consult the T&Cs of your cloud or hosting provider before running this software.