

Docker image for Magento 1.x

Docker build

This repo creates a Docker image for Magento 1.x.

Please note

The primary goal of this repo is to create Docker images for Magento 1.x development and testing, especially for extensions and themes development. It lacks essential support for production deployment, e.g. Varnish and Redis. Use this wisely for production deployment.

This repo is only for Magento 1.x. If you are looking for Magento 2.x, check out alexcheng1982/docker-magento2.

Magento versions

VersionGit branchTag name

How to use

Use as standalone container

You can use docker run to run this image directly.

docker run -p 80:80 alexcheng/magento

Then finish Magento installation using web UI. You need to have an existing MySQL server.

Magento is installed into /var/www/html folder.

Use Docker Compose

Docker Compose is the recommended way to run this image with MySQL database.

A sample docker-compose.yml can be found in this repo.

version: '3.0'

    image: alexcheng/magento
      - "80:80"
      - db
      - env
    image: mysql:5.6.23
      - db-data:/var/lib/mysql/data
      - env
    image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
      - "8580:80"
      - db

Then use docker-compose up -d to start MySQL and Magento server.

Magento sample data

Installation script for Magento sample data is also provided.

Please note: Sample data must be installed before Magento itself.

Use /usr/local/bin/install-sampledata to install sample data for Magento.

docker exec -it <container id> install-sampledata

Magento 1.9 sample data is compressed version from Vinai/compressed-magento-sample-data. Magento 1.6 uses the official sample data.

For Magento 1.7 and 1.8, the sample data from 1.6 doesn't work properly as claimed in the offcial website and causes database errors, so the install-sampledata script is removed for 1.7 and 1.8.

Magento installation script

A Magento installation script is also provided as /usr/local/bin/install-magento. This script can install Magento without using web UI. This script requires certain environment variables to run:

Environment variableDescriptionDefault value (used by Docker Compose - env file)
MYSQL_DATABASEMySQL db name for Magentomagento
MYSQL_USERMySQL usernamemagento
MYSQL_PASSWORDMySQL passwordmagento
MAGENTO_LOCALEMagento localeen_GB
MAGENTO_TIMEZONEMagento timezonePacific/Auckland
MAGENTO_URLMagento base urlhttp://local.magento
MAGENTO_ADMIN_FIRSTNAMEMagento admin firstnameAdmin
MAGENTO_ADMIN_LASTNAMEMagento admin lastnameMyStore
MAGENTO_ADMIN_EMAILMagento admin emailadmin@example.com
MAGENTO_ADMIN_USERNAMEMagento admin usernameadmin
MAGENTO_ADMIN_PASSWORDMagento admin passwordmagentorocks1

If you want to use install-magento script and this images is started as a standalone container using docker run, make sure these environment variables are passed in docker run with -e switch.

After Docker container started, use docker ps to find container id of image alexcheng/magento, then use docker exec to call install-magento script.

docker exec -it <container id> install-magento

If Docker Compose is used, you can just modify env file in the same directory of docker-compose.yml file to update those environment variables.

After calling install-magento, Magento is installed and ready to use. Use provided admin username and password to log into Magento backend.

If you use default base url (http://local.magento) or other test url, you need to modify your host file to map the host name to docker container. For Boot2Docker, use boot2docker ip to find the IP address.

Important: If you do not use the default MAGENTO_URL you must use a hostname that contains a dot within it (e.g foo.bar), otherwise the Magento admin panel login won't work.

Redis Cache

If you want to use Redis as Cache backend see comments in Dockerfile and bin/install-magento


Modman is a Magento module manager that allows you to leave your work siloed from the actual Magento codebase via symlinks. With modman, you can sync plugin or theme work without keeping a persistent volume (or using a hidden volume).

# from htdocs
modman init
modman link /path/to/plugin

And to update symlinks:

modman deploy