


Tamari is a fully-featured recipe manager web application built using Python and the Flask Framework.

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Tamari Screenshot

Live Demo and Public Instance

Try it out at https://app.tamariapp.com

Create your own account or sign in with the demo credentials.


Installing with Docker 🐳

This creates a 'tamariappdata' volume for persistent storage.

docker run -d --restart=always -p 4888:4888 -v tamariappdata:/app/appdata --name tamari alexbates/tamari:1.0

Tamari is now running! Go to http://localhost:4888

Alternative Command with Mail Settings

Use this command instead if you wish to enable password reset requests via email. Replace variables with settings for an email account you control.

docker run -d -e MAIL_SERVER=mail.example.com -e MAIL_PORT=587 -e MAIL_USE_TLS=1 -e MAIL_USERNAME=youremail@example.com -e MAIL_PASSWORD=yourpassword --restart=always -p 4888:4888 -v tamariappdata:/app/appdata --name tamari alexbates/tamari:1.0

Manual Installation

Install on Debian 11

Use a virtual environment to ensure that dependencies don't interfere with other software on your system.

sudo apt install python3 python3-venv git
git clone https://github.com/alexbates/Tamari
cd Tamari
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask db init
flask db migrate -m "Initial"
flask db upgrade
export FLASK_APP=tamari.py
gunicorn -b -w 4 app:app

Tamari is now running! Go to http://localhost:4888


For more information regarding usage, installation, and upgrading, check out the documentation at https://tamariapp.com/docs/


Please make backups of your data. As of Version 0.5, all user data is stored in app/appdata.


With Version 0.4, migrations directory is located at "Tamari/migrations" and recipe-photos is located at "Tamari/app/recipe-photos". app.db is found in either the Tamari or app directory.

For Docker, if using tamariappdata (previously tamaristorage) volume, files may be mounted at the following locations.
