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Slackscot is a slack bot core written in Go. Think of it as the assembly kit to making your own friendly slack bot. It comes with a set of plugins you might enjoy and a friendly API for you to realize your ambitious dreams (if you dreams include this sort of thing).


Go 1.11 or above is required, mostly for go module support.







The Name

The first concrete bot implementation using this code was youppi, named after the great mascot of the Montreal Expos and, when the Expos left Montreal, the Montreal Canadiens.

Slackscot is a variation on the expected theme of slackbot with the implication that this is the core to more than just a regular bot. You know, a friendly company mascot that hangs out on your slack.


Create Your Own Slackscot

Slackscot provides the pieces to make your mascot but you'll have to assemble them for him/her to come alive. The easiest to get started is to look at a real example: youppi.

youppi running

The godoc is also a good reference especially if you're looking to implement something like a new implementation of the storer interfaces.

Assembling the Parts and Bringing Your slackscot to Life

Here's an abbreviated example of how youppi does it:

package main

import (

const (
	name           = "youppi"

func main() {

	// TODO: initialize storer implementations required by plugins and do any other initialization 
	// required

	// This is the where we create youppi with all of its plugins
	youppi, err := slackscot.NewBot(name, v, options...).
		WithConfigurablePluginErr(plugins.FingerQuoterPluginName, func(conf *config.PluginConfig) (p *slackscot.Plugin, err error) { return plugins.NewFingerQuoter(conf) }).
		WithConfigurablePluginCloserErr(plugins.EmojiBannerPluginName, func(conf *config.PluginConfig) (c io.Closer, p *slackscot.Plugin, err error) {
			return plugins.NewEmojiBannerMaker(conf)
		WithConfigurablePluginErr(plugins.OhMondayPluginName, func(conf *config.PluginConfig) (p *slackscot.Plugin, err error) { return plugins.NewOhMonday(conf) }).
		WithPlugin(plugins.NewVersionner(name, version)).
	defer youppi.Close()

	if err != nil {

	err = youppi.Run()
	if err != nil {

Configuration Example

You'll also need to define your configuration for the core, used built-in plugins and any configuration required by your own custom plugins (not shown here). Slackscot uses viper for loading configuration which means that you are free to use a different file format (yaml, toml, env variables, etc.) as desired.

   "token": "your-slack-bot-token",
   "debug": false,
   "responseCacheSize": 5000,
   "userInfoCacheSize": 0,
   "maxAgeHandledMessages": 86400,
   "timeLocation": "America/Los_Angeles",
   "storagePath": "/your-path-to-bot-home",
   "replyBehavior": {
      "threadedReplies": true,
      "broadcastThreadedReplies": true
   "plugins": {
      "ohMonday": {
   	     "channelIDs": ["slackChannelId"]
      "fingerQuoter": {
         "frequency": "100",
         "channelIDs": []
      "emojiBanner": {
         "figletFontUrl": "http://www.figlet.org/fonts/banner.flf"

Creating Your Own Plugins

It might be best to look at examples in this repo to guide you through it:


  1. Fork it (preferrably, outside the GOPATH as per the new go modules guidelines)
  2. Make your changes, commit them (don't forget to go build ./... and go test ./...) and push your branch to your fork
  3. Open a PR and fill in the template (you don't have to but I'd appreciate context)
  4. Check the code climate and travis PR builds. You might have to fix things and there's no shame if you do. I probably won't merge something that doesn't pass CI build but I'm willing to help to get it to pass 🖖.

Open-telemetry integration

Slackscot now supports integration with opentelemetry. To aid with the addition of new metrics, you can find a gowrap template here. To add a metrics to a new interface, you can do something like

gowrap gen -p . -i <interfaceName> -t opentelemetry.template -o <interfaceName>metrics.go

When updating the template, you should consider running go generate in order to refresh the already generated files with the template changes.

Some Credits

slackscot uses Norberto Lopes's Slack API Integration found at https://github.com/nlopes/slack. The core functionality of the bot is previously used James Bowman's Slack RTM API integration and was heavily inspired by talbot, also written by James Bowman.