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Python scripts accompanying the book "An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis". The source code shows example implementations of basic approaches, features, and algorithms for music audio content analysis.

All implementations are also available in:


The top-level functions are (alphabetical):

The names of the additional functions follow the following conventions:


The latest full documentation of this package can be found at https://alexanderlerch.github.io/pyACA.

design principles

Please note that the provided code examples are only intended to showcase algorithmic principles – they are not entirely suitable for practical usage without parameter optimization and additional algorithmic tuning. Rather, they intend to show how to implement audio analysis solutions and to facilitate algorithmic understanding to enable the reader to design and implement their own analysis approaches.

minimal dependencies

The required dependencies are reduced to a minimum, more specifically to only numpy and scipy, for the following reasons:


Consistent variable naming and formatting, as well as the choice for simple implementations allow for easier parsing. The readability of the source code will sometimes come at the cost of lower performance.

cross-language comparability

All code is matched exactly with Matlab implementations and the equations in the book. This also means that the python code might violate typical python style conventions in order to be consistent.

related repositories and links

The python source code in this repository is matched with corresponding source code in the Matlab repository. A C++ implementation with identical functionality can be found in the C++ repository.

Other, related repositories are

The main entry point to all book-related information is AudioContentAnalysis.org

getting started


pip install pyACA 

code examples

example 1: computation and plot of the Spectral Centroid

import pyACA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

# file to analyze
cPath = "c:/temp/test.wav"

# extract feature
[v, t] = pyACA.computeFeatureCl(cPath, "SpectralCentroid")

# plot feature output

example 2: Computation of two features (here: Spectral Centroid and Spectral Flux)

import pyACA

# read audio file
cPath = "c:/temp/test.wav"
[f_s, afAudioData] = pyACA.ToolReadAudio(cPath)

# compute feature
[vsc, t] = pyACA.computeFeature("SpectralCentroid", afAudioData, f_s)
[vsf, t] = pyACA.computeFeature("SpectralFlux", afAudioData, f_s)