


Compliment is a fast and smart completion library for Clojure. It can complete vars, namespaces, classes, class members, keywords, locals. Users and library authors can also extend Compliment with custom completion sources.

Compliment is used as a completion backend in the following editors/IDEs:

Most importantly, I am very glad you came here. You look gorgeous today.


I wrote Compliment specifically for you because you are amazing and I believe you deserve a matching completion lib. Here are the features it boasts:


In most Clojure IDEs that use Compliment, you don't have to install anything at all — it will already be there for you. In case you are a CIDER user you'll also need to install company-mode and company-quickhelp for optimal results. This guide will help you configure it.

To embed Compliment directly into your program add this to the :dependencies:

If you don't want to pull a dependency, check Compliment-lite.

For users

Here are the examples of different completion scenarios Compliment supports.

You can advise Compliment to provide special treatment for certain Vars by attaching metadata to them. See the Metadata page for details.

For developers

Compliment's primary public function is completions:

=> (require 'compliment.core)
=> (compliment.core/completions "compl")
({:candidate "complement", :type :function, :ns "clojure.core"}
 {:candidate "completing", :type :function, :ns "clojure.core"}
 {:candidate "compliment.core", :type :namespace, :file "compliment/core.clj"}
 {:candidate "compliment.utils", :type :namespace, :file "compliment/utils.clj"}

completions can accept a map of options as a second argument. The supported options are:

The second public function is documentation. It can be used for generating tooltip messages when the completion candidate is highlighted in the UI:

=> (println (compliment.core/documentation ".substring"))

  (int int) -> String (public volatile)
  (int) -> String (public volatile)

  (int int) -> String (public synchronized)
  (int) -> String (public synchronized)

  (int int) -> String (public)
  (int) -> String (public)

See tests for more examples and details.

Writing your own sources is explained in Custom sources.


Copyright © 2013-2024 Oleksandr Yakushev. Distributed under the Eclipse Public License. See LICENSE.