

Build An Alexa Decision Tree Skill

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How to Build a Decision Tree skill for Alexa

What You Will Learn

What You Will Need

What Your Skill Will Do

We make choices every day. We choose what to wear, where to go for dinner, which route to take to work or school. Decision making is a vital and regular part of our livelihood.

Sometimes we're faced with so many choices, that arriving at a conclusive decision can be difficult. Decision trees can help simplify this for us.

Decision trees are a model that provide a structured process to chart out a course of action or arrive at a generalized conclusion, based on specific facts. Inherent in their name, decision trees are visualized as a tree like structure illuminating possible outcomes down a series of branches.

To learn more about decision trees, a good place to start would be the wikipedia page for Decision Trees

Decision trees can form the basis of many different kinds of Alexa skills. In a turn based adventure game, presenting a user with a choice can progress a narrative. Additionally, decision trees can be utilized to recommend, or suggest a course of action (i.e. "What movie should I watch?").

In this sample skill, we'll explore how a decision tree can be implemented. Alexa will provide an ideal career by asking a series of questions and giving you an answer. Alexa will ask questions such as:

The response to each question will procedurally progress the user through the nodes (branches) in the decision tree. Alexa will continue asking more questions until a final decision node is reached, at which point she will suggest an ideal career for you!

Skill Architecture

Each skill consists of two basic parts, a front end and a back end. The front end is the voice interface, or VUI. The voice interface is configured through the voice interaction model. The back end is where the logic of your skill resides.

Three Options for Skill Setup

There are a number of different ways for you to setup your skill, depending on your experience and what tools you have available.

Additional Resources


Tutorials & Guides


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