

Fruit Shop Skill

<img src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/mobile-apps/dex/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/tutorials/quiz-game/header._TTH_.png" />

Build a multi-modal grocery shopping skill using custom and library controls for item lists, shopping cart management, and checkout.

Skill Architecture

Each skill consists of two basic parts, a front end and a back end. The front end is the voice interface, or VUI. The voice interface is configured through the voice interaction model. The back end is where the logic of your skill resides.

Two Options for Skill Setup

There are a number of different ways for you to setup your skill, depending on your experience and what tools you have available.

Skill Guide

Explore this Fruit Shop skill in detail by reviewing our user guide.

Additional Resources


Tutorials & Guides
