


Kernel-Mode Driver that loads a dll into every new created process that loads kernel32.dll module </br> Code is based on reversed rootkit Sirifef aka max++, one of the most well coded rootkits for Windows Operating Systems of all time </br>

How to use

Project is compiled using VS 2013 and WDK 8.1, if you use a new version simply upgrade the whole project, should work just fine </br> Windows x86 version only </br> Place your dll in whatever location, compile the driver with the new dll path </br> Load the driver </br> Dll should inject in every new process that needs to load kernel32.dll </br>


Not compatible with x64, but adaptability its pretty much straightforward </br> Not sure about the impact the whole process injection can cause on the system, tested the project for about 1 hour and no BSOD's whatsoever </br>

More Information

https://alexvogtkernel.blogspot.com/2018/09/kernel-injection-code-reversing-sirifef.html </br>